Mobility Justice
By Mimi Sheller
By Mimi Sheller
By Mimi Sheller
By Mimi Sheller
By Mimi Sheller
By Mimi Sheller
Sep 25, 2018 | ISBN 9781788730921
Sep 25, 2018 | ISBN 9781788730952
Sep 25, 2018 | ISBN 9781788730945
Climate Justice
Yo’ Mama’s Disfunktional!
The Burning of the World
Urban Engineering for Sustainability
Jimmy Carter: The Last Interview
One Nation Under Guns
Making the World Clean
The White Peril
Feeling at Home
“In this wide-ranging book, Mimi Sheller provides a lucid map linking struggles on diverse spatial scales. Sheller shows how the fight for mobility justice can forge connections across scales and between social movements. Essential reading for anyone looking to build solidarities in our all too fragmented and crisis-ridden world.”
—Ashley Dawson, author of Extreme Cities
“How people and materials move around our globalised planet is central to our intensifying environmental crises, pollution crises and increasingly murderous refugee crises. And yet mobilities are still often partitioned off as the technical and depoliticised stuff of engineers. This brilliant book should change this once and for all. A brilliant and searing exposé of the politics of movement and mobility, Mobility Justice forces questions of social and racial justice to the heart of debates about migration, transportation, smart cities, militarising borders, and planetary ecology. A unique and pivotal book.”
—Stephen Graham, author of Vertical
“The essential field guide to the politics of mobility from the policing of racialized bodies to the impact of movement on climate change. Sheller articulates the urgency of both understanding, and acting on, the ways we move in order to imagine and articulate a better world.”
—Tim Cresswell, author of On the Move: Mobility in the Modern Western World
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