Mar 30, 1999 | ISBN 9780761519645
Jun 09, 2010 | ISBN 9780307874351
The Search for God at Harvard
Shattered Faith
Why God Won’t Go Away
American Catholic
Life’s Dominion
Founding Faith
The Prehistory of Sex
Cliffs of Despair
The Negro Church in America/The Black Church Since Frazier
"Glynn’s arguments for the existence of God put the burden of disproof on those intellectuals who think that the question has long since been settled."
— Andrew M. Greeley
"This book is at the same time a personal witness of a spiritual odyssey and an informative overview of the difficult relationship between religion and science. It will challenge believers and nonbelievers."
— Hans Küng
"Patrick Glynn has written a thoughtful and provocative book about new scientific evidence for the existence of God and the inability of rationalism to deal with ultimate questions."
— Robert H. Bork
"Elegantly written and absorbing."
— National Review
"Argues persuasively that science, once a crutch for those who would deny God, in the next century will be a force for moving those with eyes to see and ears to hear in the other direction."
— Orange County Register
"This thoughtful and documented book may help more intellectuals to understand that humans searching for evidence of God is much like a wave on an ocean searching for evidence that the ocean exists."
— Sir John M. Templeton, founder of the Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion and author of The Humble Approach: Scientists Discover God
"Patrick Glynn has scouted the terrain of what may be the most exciting cultural event of the twenty-first century. The new dialogue between scientists and religious believers, made possible by both theological advances and the incredibility of fundamentalist naturalism, can’t come too soon—it’s only about 400 years overdue. Kudos to Glynn for helping to move the conversation into high gear."
— George Weigel, senior fellow, Ethics and Public Policy Center
"Underlying Mr. Glynn’s analyses is one crucial point, which is that Western intellectual life is undergoing a huge shift: It is finding room for God."
— Wall Street Journal
"A gripping tale, intellectually stimulating, provocative."
— Michael Novak
"Full of bright insights, graphically described."
— William F. Buckley, Jr.
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