Lion of Speech
By Dilgo Khyentse and Jamgon Mipham
Translated by Padmakara Translation Group
By Dilgo Khyentse and Jamgon Mipham
Translated by Padmakara Translation Group
By Dilgo Khyentse and Jamgon Mipham
Translated by Padmakara Translation Group
By Dilgo Khyentse and Jamgon Mipham
Translated by Padmakara Translation Group
Category: Biography & Memoir | Religion
Category: Biography & Memoir | Religion
Nov 24, 2020 | ISBN 9781559394949
Nov 24, 2020 | ISBN 9780834843172
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“I don’t know what Nyingma students and practitioners would do today without Mipham Rinpoche. For me personally, there are few commentators on the wisdom teachings as clear and concise as Mipham Rinpoche. His commentaries stick in my mind long after I close the text. Any dedicated Nyingmapa will keep this volume close at hand.”—Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche
“Jamgön Mipham Rinpoche was one of the greatest upholders of the buddhadharma to appear in modern times, and throughout Tibet, his sublime qualities and incredible genius were universally recognized. Among his disciples were some of the greatest masters of our time. Indeed, the author of this biography, my own revered grandfather and root teacher, Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, received the blessing of the mind-to-mind transmission directly from Mipham Rinpoche himself. . . . Those who are fortunate to read the writings of Jamgön Mipham can now learn something of the author’s life, and their faith in him will increase. I pray that through their study, reflection, and meditation, they will progress on the perfect path to happiness.”—The Seventh Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche
“This publication, with its rich historical context, is a treasure to behold.”—Buddhistdoor Global
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