Race Against Time
By Sandra Neil Wallace and Rich Wallace
By Sandra Neil Wallace and Rich Wallace
By Sandra Neil Wallace and Rich Wallace
By Sandra Neil Wallace and Rich Wallace
Jan 05, 2021 | ISBN 9781629798165 | 10-14 years
Jan 05, 2021 | ISBN 9781635923735 | 10-14 years
I am Sally Ride
Smithsonian Book of Paper Airplanes
Don’t Eat the Cleaners!
One Little Tadpole
Little Chunkies: Baby Animals
DK Super Readers Level 1 Star Wars Princess Leia’s Adventures
Hank Goes Peck
Margaret and the Moon
Whose Poop Is That?
ALSC Notable Book
NCSS Carter G. Woodson Award, Secondary Level Winner
NCSS/CBC Notable Social Studies Trade Book
Finalist, Jane Addams Children’s Book Award
Junior Library Guild Selection
Chicago Public Library Best Informational Book for Older Readers
An Evanston Public Library 101 Great Books for Kids
★ ”This is a compelling account of how Scipio Jones, a formerly enslaved man and self-educated lawyer, dedicated five years of his life and his personal fortune to trying to save innocent Black sharecroppers from imprisonment and death in 1919 Arkansas, during the height of the Jim Crow era. [A] testimonial of an often-overlooked landmark event in the early history of civil rights.” —Booklist, starred review
★ ”This book tells the important story about Scipio Jones, a Black American attorney who sought justice for 12 men who were unjustly sentenced to death. This title provides insight into a historic injustice towards Black Americans by telling a story that is not commonly known. The work is extremely well researched. [A] recommended addition to both middle and high school libraries.” –School Library Connection, starred review
“This gripping story shines a light on [Scipio Africanus Jones,] another hidden hero of the struggle for rights for African Americans. An important, well-researched narrative, rich in historical context, is enhanced by archival photographs and glimpses into the lives of working men and women who sought economic fairness and the protections of the United States Constitution. A powerful story of tireless determination for justice in the face of overwhelming odds.” —Kirkus Reviews
“In September 1919, white townsmen of Hoop Spur, Arkansas raided a meeting of Black sharecroppers gathered to discuss unionizing. [T]welve Black men who managed to flee the massacre were rounded up for a trial, convicted, and sentenced to death. Their last slim hope lay with Scipio Jones, a successful Black attorney who donated his service to keeping them alive. The Wallaces do a laudable job of elucidating Jones’ tactics, and readers who revel in legal dramas…will punch the air as he wins skirmish after skirmish by a hair’s breadth.” —Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books
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