Flying Couch
Illustrated by Amy Kurzweil
Illustrated by Amy Kurzweil
Illustrated by Amy Kurzweil
Illustrated by Amy Kurzweil
Category: World History | Graphic Novels & Manga | Biography & Memoir
Category: World History | Graphic Novels & Manga | Biography & Memoir
Oct 11, 2016 | ISBN 9781936787289
Oct 11, 2016 | ISBN 9781936787333
Talk to Me
Homes for Living
The World After Gaza
Musashi (New Edition)
Paris Undercover
A Theory of Everyone
Another Zionism, Another Judaism
Jimmy Carter: The Last Interview
Nominated for the JewCie Award for Fictional Narrative
A New York Times Book Review Editors’ Choice
A Kirkus Reviews Best of 2016 Selection
A Junior Library Guild Fall 2016 Selection
“A debut that enriches and extends the potential of graphic narrative.” —Kirkus Reviews (starred review)
“Flying Couch is a wry and deeply moving exploration of what the Holocaust means to the descendants of survivors. Kurzweil artfully weaves her grandmother’s survivor testimony within her own coming of age story.” —LitReactor
“Beautiful and strong.” —Miriam Katin, author of Letting It Go
“Flying Couch is perfect. It’s perceptive, emotionally on point, surprising and funny in its details, told in an intuitive way that’s completely direct, and about something that matters. This is an important book.” —Liana Finck, author of The Bintel Brief
“Flying Couch is a moving, intricate story of identity and family history.” —Ariel Schrag, author of Likewise and Awkward and Definition
“I read Flying Couch in one sitting, without moving, literally laughed and literally cried.” —Rachel Fershleiser, co–editor of the New York Times bestseller Not Quite What I Was Planning
“Amy Kurzweil’s moving debut is a story of trauma and survival, and a search for identity and belonging. Fluctuating, in words and images, from the bubbly to the intense, this graphic memoir exposes the complicated and powerful ways we are shaped by the histories and relationships that anchor us.” —Tahneer Oksman, author of How Come Boys Get to Keep Their Noses?
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