Exquisite Exandria: The Official Cookbook of Critical Role
By Liz Marsham, Critical Role, Jesse Szewczyk, Susan Vu and Amanda Yee
Foreword by Quyen Tran and Sam Riegel
By Liz Marsham, Critical Role, Jesse Szewczyk, Susan Vu and Amanda Yee
Foreword by Quyen Tran and Sam Riegel
By Liz Marsham, Critical Role, Jesse Szewczyk, Susan Vu and Amanda Yee
Foreword by Quyen Tran and Sam Riegel
By Liz Marsham, Critical Role, Jesse Szewczyk, Susan Vu and Amanda Yee
Foreword by Quyen Tran and Sam Riegel
Part of Critical Role
Part of Critical Role
Category: Cookbooks | Performing Arts
Category: Cookbooks | Performing Arts
Aug 29, 2023 | ISBN 9780593157046
Aug 29, 2023 | ISBN 9780593159729
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“[Exquisite Exandria] promises to enchant both your party and your taste buds. But it’s not just about food—the cookbook is adorned with breathtaking artwork that rivals the finest D&D tomes, making it a culinary guide and a visual treat. . . . an essential addition to your collection.”—Tasting Table
“Exquisite Exandria is an excellent cookbook and resource to learn about the world of Exandria through the eyes of a foodie. . . . the recipes within offer a range of styles and ingredients, are easy to follow, and are approachable to a wide range of chefs.”—TechRaptor
“Gathering with friends in person for game night often inspires players to cook up a dish and bring it along, and the recipes in Exquisite Exandria are the perfect, unique but tasty treats to dazzle the adventuring party with. . . . will resonate with fans and foodies alike.”—Comic Book Resources
“Exquisite Exandria is a great cookbook, both from a recipe standpoint and a lore perspective. . . . a must have for any fan of Critical Role.”—Gaming Trend
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