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Harlem After Midnight Reader’s Guide

By Louise Hare

Harlem After Midnight by Louise Hare


Reader’s Guide
Harlem After Midnight by Louise Hare
Discussion Questions:

1.   New York in the 1930s turns up in many works of fiction, perhaps because it’s such an interesting place and time. What are the first things that spring to mind when you think of this place during this period in history?

2.   Lena is curious to find out more about her father, who was reluctant to talk with her about his time in New York. If you were her, would you want to investigate further or would you be happy to let the past rest in peace?

3.   As a tourist, Lena enjoys visiting many New York sights and attractions (not to mention the shopping!). Do you enjoy touring cities through novels, or do you prefer that the author stick to the plot?

4.   When Lena meets Bel Bennett, she at first thinks she’s made a new friend, but later she wonders if Bel has an ulterior motive. Lena often goes into situations with a trusting outlook; do you think this is foolish of her, or do you think that we should give people the benefit of the doubt until proven wrong?

5.   Alfie doesn’t like his sister’s friend Mary Grace because he thinks she’s a bad influence. However, he’s not exactly living the lifestyle that he wants for his sister either. Is this hypocritical of him, or can you understand a brother wanting to look out for his sibling?

6.   Since Lena is a jazz singer, several famous New York venues such as the Apollo Theater and the Savoy Ballroom show up in the novel. Do you enjoy the topic of music in novels, and did the music described in this novel make you want to listen to jazz as you read?

7.   Lena has her own secrets and, as it turns out, her new beau, Will, has several too. She decides to give him a chance, but if you were in her shoes, would you have done the same?

8.   Although she could afford to stay at a hotel, Lena enjoys staying with Will’s friends Claud and Louis in Harlem. Do you love a nice hotel, or would you always prefer to stay with locals when you travel?
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