Name, Claim & Reframe
By Andrea Mein Dewitt
Foreword by Tanya Geisler
By Andrea Mein Dewitt
Foreword by Tanya Geisler
By Andrea Mein Dewitt
Foreword by Tanya Geisler
By Andrea Mein Dewitt
Foreword by Tanya Geisler
Category: Self-Improvement & Inspiration
Category: Self-Improvement & Inspiration
Dec 20, 2022 | ISBN 9781578269587
Dec 20, 2022 | ISBN 9781578269594
Right Here With You
Why We Remember
Come Together
The Little Book of Zen Healing
Raising Calm Kids in a World of Worry
Predictable Profits
The Pretty Victory
The Abundant Life Journal
“Breathtaking and thought-provoking, Andrea Mein DeWitt’s call to disarm is a golden nugget that will shine brightly and change the way people live their lives.” —Beth Christensen, LMFT
“This wonderful, witty, and insightful book presents a tangible formula that will help us address the emotional triggers that hold us back from our most authentic self. Timely, practical, and liberating.” —Margaret M. Blanc, MA, LMFT
“With wit and eloquence, Andrea gently nudges us forward, illuminating new perspectives that give us a pathway to our truest power and greatest potential.” —Macall Gordon, MA, author of Little Livewires
“Filled with specific examples of transformation and change, Andrea helps us return to our truest, most potent power.” —Tricia Bolender, MBA, CPCC, Executive Coach and creator of “Sacred Power” programs
“Funny, relatable, insightful, and inspiring. Andrea Mein DeWitt helps us visualize new possibilities and gives us a valuable toolbox for creating our best lives.” —Julia Holian, CPC, career strategist and interview coach
“Every woman deserves to become a gentle warrior and this book is the toolbox she needs to make that happen.” —Melanie Herschorn, MA, coach and business strategist, host of AUTHORity Marketing LIVE
“A perfect balance of personal story and coachable elements, DeWitt’s energy infuses the reader with the confidence that they can create the world in which they choose to live.” —Kim O’Hara, author of No Longer Denying Sexual Abuse
“This book, and the stories and tools within it, will invite you to show up to life as your best self.” —Abigail Morgan Prout, MA, PCC & Sarah Wildeman, PCC, coaches and co-leaders of Spiral Leadership
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