Great American Hypocrites
By Glenn Greenwald
By Glenn Greenwald
By Glenn Greenwald
By Glenn Greenwald
Category: Domestic Politics | 20th Century U.S. History
Category: Domestic Politics | 20th Century U.S. History
Oct 07, 2008 | ISBN 9780307408662
Apr 15, 2008 | ISBN 9780307410313
Small Unit Leadership
Religious Freedom
The Federalist Papers
Skeptics Answered
The State and Revolution
The Penguin Guide to the United States Constitution
At War at Sea
Intelligence in War
Making Our Democracy Work
"The best book I’ve read on how the media works since Neil Postman’s Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business. . . .If you want to understand how politics and the media work today, how the Republican party has betrayed the principles it purports to defend, and how opinion is manipulated by appeals to fear, prejudice, and other irrational emotions, Great American Hypocrites is indispensable.
"You won’t be able to put it down, and you’ll never read the paper or watch the news the same way after."
—Barry Eisler
“Those who ignore what Greenwald has to say act at our collective peril.”
—John W. Dean, former Nixon White House counsel and author of Conservatives Without Conscience
“There are few patriots on Capitol Hill. You can count them on your hand. . . . Glenn Greenwald, constitutional lawyer, is one such patriot.”
“One of the smartest and most important new voices to emerge in politics in years.”
—Markos Moulitsas Zúniga, founder of Daily Kos and coauthor of Crashing the Gate: Netroots, Grassroots, and the Rise of People-Powered Politics
"Glenn Greenwald has done it again. He’s about to release another great book. . . . From the myth that John Wayne was a great American hero (he was a WWII draft dodger), to how the media perpetuates false images of right-wingers (so much for the “liberal media”) . . . to the falsehood that Republicans bring us smaller government, Glenn lays it out beautifully."
—Alan Colmes
"I rely on Glenn Greenwald, above all, for understanding the assaults by this administration on the Constitution, and for pointing the way toward regaining a republic. There’s no one whose work has impressed me more."
—Daniel Ellsberg
"This book is written with such vicious joy that it is just really fun to read….I’m always amazed by the clarity of [Greenwald’s] writing and his ability to indict the conservative mindset with well-articulated factual patterns."
—Matt Stoller, Open Left
"The peerless Glenn Greenwald."
—Josh Marshall
"One of the best political commentators out there . . .Unlike most other bloggers, Greenwald practices journalism . . . Few others are better than Greenwald at sussing out the accidental propaganda inflicted on us by the mainstream press"
—The Village Voice
"Perhaps the most influential civil-liberties writer on the Web"
—The American Prospect
"Blogosphere superstar"
—Mother Jones
"Among the most intelligent and widely read practitioners of blogging"
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