The Lies of the Artists
By Ingrid D. Rowland
By Ingrid D. Rowland
By Ingrid D. Rowland
By Ingrid D. Rowland
Dec 17, 2024 | ISBN 9780262549097
Dec 17, 2024 | ISBN 9780262379946
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“Rowland’s prose is clever and tone humorous, as she brings fresh observations to this often over-studied art period and resuscitates the reputation of others overlooked by history.”
Table Of Contents
Additional Selling Points
Introduction: The Lies of the Artists
1. Bronzes for the Ages (Bertoldo di Giovanni)
2. “A Painter Not Human” (Antonello da Messina)
3. The Gentle Genius (Raphael)
4. Roman Rivalries (Sebastiano del Piombo and Michelangelo)
5. Sublime, Exhilarating Andrea del Sarto
6. He Made Stone Speak (Michelangelo)
7. The Local, Universal Master (Titian)
8. The Fantastical Little Dyer (Tintoretto)
9. Irresistible El Greco
10. Radiant, Angry Caravaggio
11. Women Artists and the Boundaries of Art
12. Brutality and Brilliance (Artemisia Gentileschi)
13. He Had The Touch (Gianlorenzo Bernini)
14. Eros, Mystery, Menace (Giambattista Tiepolo
15. Giorgio Vasari’s Passionate Gamble
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