The questions and discussion topics that follow are intended to enhance your group’s reading of Edwardo Jones? Ever After. We hope they will provide new insights and ways of looking at this touching new novel.Questions and Topics for Discussion
1. After moving to Chicago Nick tries to embrace his new single status by dating as many women as will agree to go out with him. What is he trying to prove? Does he get what he wants?
2. Jasmine’s mother never felt Nick was right for her daughter and went so far as to push ex-boyfriend Jacque back into Jasmine’s life. Did she play any role in Jasmine’s uncertainty about marrying Nick? How difficult is it to maintain a relationship in the face of parental disapproval?
3. By the time he leaves Chicago Nick has finally come to terms with Jasmine’s rejection. Jasmine, however, seems to regret her decision more and more over time. Why is this? Which is easier, receiving rejection or giving it?
4. In different ways Mal and Nick held idealized views of relationships; Nick, ready to commit, wanted true love while Mal, always ready for the next woman, wanted the player lifestyle. But it is Mal who ends up married and Nick who accepts the single life. What do they realize about their old ideas? How does their conception of a perfect relationship change?
5. Even though Jasmine had doubts about marrying Nick, she still loved him and could have agreed to go through with the wedding. If Nick and Jasmine got married would it be a good marriage? When one person in a relationship doesn’t feel the same way as the other is the relationship doomed? How many people get married even though they aren’t sure?
6. Nick claims he didn’t know love until he met Jasmine, but it almost seems as if he didn’t really know what love was until he lost it. Is this true? Does Nick need to have their heart broken before he can really understand love?
7. When Nick hits on one of his best friends from high school she turns him down; Nick later finds pen-pal Maya more willing. Why does Nick turn to them? Is he looking for comfort or love? Is it possible to maintain a friendship after two friends become romantic?
8. Jasmine knew Jacque was wrong for her but couldn’t resist wondering if he, or someone like him, would be better than Nick. Do we understand Jasmine and her decision? What was she looking for? Did she really love Nick?
9. In different ways Nick, Mal and Jasmine have been deeply hurt by people they loved in the past. How does this affect their relationships afterwards? How long does it take to get over the pain of a failed relationship?
10. Nick’s decision to pursue acting represents a life-changing decision. Would he have made the same decision if he stayed with Jasmine? When does adversity lead to a good outcome?