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Lola Reads Series

Anna McQuinn and Rosalind Beardshaw
Lola at the Library by Anna McQuinn (Author); Rosalind Beardshaw (Illustrator)
Lola Goes to School by Anna McQuinn (Author); Rosalind Beardshaw (Illustrator)
Lola va a la escuela / Lola Goes to School by Anna McQuinn (Author); Rosalind Beardshaw (Illustrator)

Lola Reads Series : Titles in Order

Book 6
In this Lola Reads series book, Lola embarks on a new adventure—the first day of school!

A comforting and cheerful picture book read that demystifies the school day, perfect for preschoolers and kindergarteners.

Lola and her family prepare for the first day of school the night before, then wake up early, take pictures, and head to class.

Lola puts her things in her cubby, chooses her activities, reads, plays, and has a snack.

Before she knows it, it’s time to sing the good-bye song and rush into Mommy’s arms for a warm reunion!

Lola Goes to School is the 5th title in the much-loved Lola Reads series, as book-loving Lola continues to be curious about the world around her.
Book 6
¡Ahora disponible en español! Lola se prepara para una nueva y emocionante aventura: ¡su primer día de escuela!

Una lectura alegre y alentadora que deja de lado todo mito sobre el preescolar y el jardín de infantes. Desde la noche anterior, Lola y su familia se preparan para el primer día de escuela. Al día siguiente se levantan temprano, se toman fotos y salen para la escuela. Allí, Lola pone sus cosas en un lugar especial, escoge actividades para hacer, lee, juega y toma la merienda. Sin darse cuenta, ya es hora de cantar la canción de despedida y de ir corriendo a los brazos de mamá, que la espera con mucho cariño.
Now in Spanish–Lola is excited to embark on a new adventure, her first day of school!
A comforting, cheerful read that demystifies the school day for preschoolers and kindergarteners. Lola and her family prepare for the first day of school the night before, then get up early, take pictures, and head to class. Lola puts her things in her cubby, chooses her activities, reads, plays, and has a snack. Before she knows it, it’s time to sing the good-bye song and rush into Mommy’s arms for a warm reunion.
Book 5
In this Lola Reads picture book, Lola learns about caring for a pet in this simple and sweet story about welcoming a new kitty.

Lola wants a cat, but Mommy says taking care of a pet is a lot of work. So Lola does her homework. At the library she finds books about cats and pet care and she and Mommy learn as much as they can. She pretends her stuffed kitty is real and practices taking care of it.

When the time comes, Lola is allowed to pick out her new friend at an animal shelter. With patience and care, her kitten settles in at home.

The Lola Reads series celebrates family time and togetherness through reading, special activities, and new adventures.
Book 5
¡Ahora disponible en español! Lola, la famosa amante de los libros, vuelve a aparecer con mascota en la quinta aventura de la serie Lola lee.

Su mamá le explica que un gato da mucho trabajo, entonces Lola practica cuidando a sus gatitos de juguete y leyendo muchos libros sobre gatos. Junto con su mamá, investiga sobre adoptar gatos, compra alimento y suministros, y visita un refugio de animales. Finalmente, Lola escoge a su gata y tiene la paciencia de esperar que el animalito se adapte a su nuevo hogar.

Lola, la amante de los libros, y Leo, su hermano menor, disfrutan pasando juntos el tiempo en familia leyendo, haciendo actividades especiales y viviendo nuevas aventuras.

Now available in Spanish! Popular, book-loving Lola returns with a pet in the fifth adventure of the Lola Reads series.

Mommy says that a cat is a lot of work, so Lola practices caring for her stuffed kittens and reads lots of cat books. With Mommy, she researches pet adoption, shops for food and supplies, and visits an animal shelter. Finally, Lola chooses her cat and is patient while her new friend settles in at home.
Book 4
In this Lola Reads picture book, Lola learns how to plant a flower garden in this simple and sweet story about gardening and patience.

After Lola reads a book of garden poems, she wants to plant some flowers. She gets books from the library and chooses her plants. Then Lola and her mommy buy the seeds, make the garden, and mark the rows. Lola finds it hard to wait, but at last the flowers bloom. Now it’s time for a party with her friends!

The Lola Reads series celebrates family time and togetherness through reading, special activities, and new adventures.
Book 4
Spanish edition! Lola learns how to plant a flower garden in this simple and sweet picture book story about gardening and patience.

After Lola reads a book of garden poems, she wants to plant some flowers. She gets books from the library and chooses her plants. Then Lola and her mommy buy the seeds, make the garden, and mark the rows. Lola finds it hard to wait, but at last the flowers bloom. Now it’s time for a party with her friends!

The Lola Reads series celebrates family time and togetherness through reading, special activities, and new adventures.
Book 2
Bookworms big and small will be charmed by lovable Lola in this delightful sequel to LOLA AT THE LIBRARY that celebrates imagination and the love of reading.

Lola loves to go to the library with her daddy. Every night she reads a new story, and the next day, she acts it out. One day she’s a fairy princess, the next day she goes on a trip to Lagos! She becomes a tiger, a farmer, a pilot. . . . what will Lola be next?

Children and adults will love following along with Lola’s adventures. LOLA LOVES STORIES is a wonderful introduction to the power of reading and how it can inspire young minds at the earliest ages.
Book 2
Spanish readers can now join the popular character Lola in her book-loving adventures. This second translation in the acclaimed series celebrates Lola’s vivid imagination and her passion for stories.
Book 1
In this Lola Reads picture book, learn about the library, checking out books, and story time with Lola, as she discovers the joy of reading!

Every Tuesday Lola and her mommy go to the library. Lola meets her friends there. They share books and don’t have to be quiet all the time. The nice librarian tells stories. There is a big machine that buzzes Lola’s books in and out, and she can take any books she wants home with her. Lola and her mommy always stop for a treat on the way home. No wonder Lola loves the library.

This gentle story of growing with books encourages little ones to discover the joy of reading as well as getting them ready and excited to visit the library.

The Lola Reads series celebrates family time and togetherness through reading, special activities, and new adventures.
Book 1
Spanish edition! In this Lola Reads picture book, learn about the library, checking out books, and story time with Lola, as she discovers the joy of reading!

Every Tuesday Lola and her mommy go to the library. Lola meets her friends there. They share books and don’t have to be quiet all the time. The nice librarian tells stories. There is a big machine that buzzes Lola’s books in and out, and she can take any books she wants home with her. Lola and her mommy always stop for a treat on the way home. No wonder Lola loves the library.

This gentle story of growing with books encourages little ones to discover the joy of reading as well as getting them ready and excited to visit the library.

The Lola Reads series celebrates family time and togetherness through reading, special activities, and new adventures.
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