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Final Fantasy XIV Series

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Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker -- The Art of Resurrection -Beyond the Veil- by Square Enix
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Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker — The Art of Resurrection -Beyond the Veil-

Book 9
Ebook $25.99

Final Fantasy XIV Series : Titles in Order

Book 9
The second volume of a two-volume set of the official art books for the global hit game Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker, featuring hundreds of pages of full-color art and an exclusive item code! (NOTE: E-book edition does not include item code.)

Featuring roughly 800 pieces of artwork created during the development of the critically acclaimed Endwalker expansion, The Art of Resurrection –Beyond the Veil– is a visual feast for players and fans of Final Fantasy XIV! This deluxe, large-format volume covers content through Patch 6.5, including Myths of the Realm, Pandæmonium, and Island Sanctuary. It also features detailed illustrations of characters, equipment, dungeons, trials, and more across hundreds of pages. Volume two of a two-volume set with The Art of Resurrection –Among the Stars–.

Includes an exclusive item code for a Zodiark Idol minion!

The ninth volume in the line of Final Fantasy XIV official art books.
Book 2
The second volume of a two-volume set of the official art books for Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood. This new edition features hundreds of pages of full-color art, a sticker sheet, and an exclusive bonus item code! (NOTE: E-book edition does not include bonus item code.)

Return to Eorzea with the Warrior of Light via this exhaustive collection of almost one thousand pieces of concept art and illustrations, including character designs, field areas, dungeons, monsters, equipment, and more. Covering content through the end of the Stormblood expansion, The Art of the Revolution -Eastern Memories- also features messages from the art team, along with a job stone and minion sticker sheet. Book two of a two-book set with The Art of the Revolution -Western Memories-.

Includes an exclusive bonus item code for an in-game Dress-Up Tataru minion!
The fifth volume in the line of Final Fantasy XIV official art books.
Book 2
The second volume of a two-volume set of the official art books for Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward. This beautiful new edition features hundreds of pages of full-color art and an exclusive bonus item code! (NOTE: E-book edition does not include bonus item code.)

A treat for collectors and fans of Final Fantasy XIV, this high-quality, large-format art book presents a rich collection of illustrations and concept artwork for characters, environments, accessories, and more. Covering content through the end of the Heavensward expansion, this volume also includes comments from the art team and a look at the processes that the team uses when creating art pieces. Book two of a two-book set with The Art of Ishgard: Stone and Steel.

Includes an exclusive bonus item code for an in-game Wind-up Hraesvelgr minion!
The third volume in the line of Final Fantasy XIV official art books.
Book 2
The second volume of a two-volume set of the official art books for Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers, featuring hundreds of pages of full-color art and an exclusive bonus item code!

Covering content through the end of the Shadowbringers expansion, this deluxe, large-format book showcases artwork for YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse, Eden’s Verse & Eden’s Promise, Save the Queen, and much more. The Art of Reflection -Histories Unwritten- also includes detailed illustrations of characters, equipment, dungeons and trials, as well as messages from the artists. Volume two of a two-volume set with The Art of Reflection -Histories Forsaken-.

Includes an exclusive bonus item code for a Wind-up Runar minion! (NOTE: E-book edition does not include bonus item code.)

The seventh volume in the line of Final Fantasy XIV official art books.
Book 1
A gorgeous, oversized, full-color art book showcasing the artwork from the massively popular online video game Final Fantasy XIV. Volume one of a two-volume set with The Art of Reflection -Histories Unwritten-.(NOTE: E-book edition does not include bonus item code.)

Delve into the breathtaking world of Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers in this deluxe volume featuring hundreds of beautiful illustrations of characters, environments, equipment, and more. Offering concept art, reference images, and messages from the artists, this book is a must-have not only for fans of the game but for any who appreciate top-tier game art.

Includes an exclusive bonus code redeemable for a Wind-up Dulia-Chai minion!
The sixth volume in the line of Final Fantasy XIV official art books.
Book 1
A beautiful new edition of the official art book for Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward. Featuring hundreds of full-color illustrations and an exclusive bonus item code, this is a must-have for collectors and fans! Book one of a two-book set. (NOTE: E-book edition does not include bonus item code.)

The Art of Ishgard -Stone and Steel- presents the concept art and planning images that became the foundation for the aesthetics of Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward. Each page of this gorgeous, high-quality volume is packed with full-color art and character sketches, as well as lore-related drawings of equipment, environments, and more. Book one of a two-book set with The Art of Ishgard -The Scars of War-.

Includes an exclusive bonus item code for an in-game Wind-up Relm minion!
The second volume in the line of Final Fantasy XIV official art books.
Book 1
Showcasing the stunning artwork of Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood, this new edition of the official art book offers hundreds of full-color illustrations in a collectors’ quality volume, along with an exclusive bonus item code. Book one of a two-book set. (NOTE: E-book edition does not include bonus item code.)

Experience the rich world of Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood once more via this exhaustive collection of concept art and illustrations, including character designs, field areas, dungeons, monsters, equipment, and more. The Art of the Revolution -Western Memories- also features commentary from the art team on how costumes are created. Book one of a two-book set with The Art of the Revolution -Eastern Memories-

Includes an exclusive bonus item code for an in-game Wind-up Yotsuyu minion!
The fourth volume in the line of Final Fantasy XIV official art books.

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