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Escuela de dragones Series

Found in Children’s Spanish Language Books
El despertar del dragón de tierra / Dragon Masters: Rise of the Earth Dragon by Tracey West; Graham Howells; Scheherezade Surià López (trad.)
El secreto de la dragona del agua / Secret of the Water Dragon by Tracey West; Damien Jones,  Scheherezade Surià López (il.)
El poder del dragón del fuego / Dragon Masters: Power of the Fire Dragon by Tracey West

Escuela de dragones Series : Titles in Order

Book 4
El rey Roland se ha llevado a los maestros de dragones a una importante misión, pero no ha contado con Drake y Rori, que se han quedado solos en el castillo sin saber qué pensar. Sin embargo, es una suerte que estén ahí porque ha reaparecido un antiguo enemigo. ¿Podrán Drake y Rori luchar contra el mago oscuro y su poderosa dragona… sin ayuda?


It’s time for the Dragon Masters to battle the dark wizard!
The Dragon Masters are going to visit Queen Rose’s kingdom. But Rori and Drake must stay behind. Then a four-headed dragon attacks the castle–and Maldred is riding it! How is Maldred controlling this giant dragon? Will Rori and Drake have to battle the dark wizard on their own?
This series of early chapter books is aimed at newly independent readers. With easy-to-read text, high-interest content, fast-paced plots, and illustrations on every page, these books will boost reading confidence and stamina.
Book 3
A Drake le encanta volar a lomos de su dragón y entrenar con sus amigos Rori, Bo y Ana, pero cuando alguien intenta robar la mágica Piedra de Dragón que les ayuda en sus aventuras, ¡el grupo de amigos deberá lanzarse a la acción! Aunque Bo ha empezado a comportarse de una forma muy rara… ¿Tendrá algún secreto? ¿Y estará relacionado con el misterioso ladrón?

En esta serie encontrarás:

– Historias dirigidas a lectores que empiezan a leer de manera independiente.
– Textos sencillos, contenidos interesantes, tramas ágiles e ilustraciones en todas las páginas.
– Narraciones ideales para estimular la confianza y la seguridad en sí mismos de los nuevos lectores. 


Drake and the rest of the Dragon Masters are back for another adventure!
With easy-to-read text, high-interest content, fast-paced plots, and illustrations on every page, these books will boost reading confidence and stamina.
In this third book in the series, someone is trying to steal the Dragon Stone. Drake soon discovers that the thief is his friend and fellow Dragon Master, Bo! Could the dark wizard somehow be behind this? The Dragon Masters must find a way to protect the Dragon Stone–and keep Bo’s family out of danger. Will the secret to solving their problems lie with Bo’s dragon, Shu? Drake is about to find out!
Book 2
Drake y sus amigos Ana, Rori y Bo entrenan dragones para el rey. Cuando Kepri, la dragona de Ana, enferma, deberán trabajar todos juntos para salvarla. ¿Fue la magia oscura lo que la hizo enfermar? ¿Tiene Lombriz un nuevo poder secreto que podría ayudarla? Los maestros de dragones están a punto de averiguarlo.
En esta serie encontrarás: 
-Historias dirigidas a lectores que empiezan a leer de manera independiente.
-Textos sencillos, contenidos interesantes, tramas ágiles e ilustraciones en todas las páginas.
-Narraciones ideales para estimular la confianza y la seguridad en sí mismos de los nuevos lectores.


The New York Times bestselling Dragon Masters series is “How to Train Your Dragon” meets the Dragon Slayers’ Academy, and it’s perfect for newly independent readers! 
Pick a book. Grow a reader.  
This series of chapter books which is aimed at newly independent readers. With easy-to-read text, high-interest content, fast-paced plots, and illustrations on every page, these books will boost reading confidence and stamina.  
DRAGON MASTERS has it all! Dragons, a Dragon Stone, a king, a wizard, and magic! 
In the second book in this fully illustrated series, Drake and the other three Dragon Masters (Ana, Rori, and Bo) continue their training. But Ana’s dragon, Kepri, is sick. The wizard tries to make her feel better, but his potions are not working. Drake’s dragon, Worm, must use his special powers to take the Dragon Masters across the world in search of a cure.  
What made Kepri sick? Will the Dragon Masters be able to save her? And what dangers will they face along the way?
Book 1
Drake nunca pensó que los dragones fueran reales, pero pronto descubre que existen de verdad y él ha sido elegido junto a otros tres niños (Ana, Rori y Bo) para entrenarlos. ¿Podrá Drake conectar con su nuevo amigo? ¿Tendrá lo que hace falta para convertirse en un auténtico maestro de dragones?
En esta serie encontrarás:
-Historias dirigidas a lectores que empiezan a leer de manera independiente.
-Textos sencillos, contenidos interesantes, tramas ágiles e ilustraciones en todas las páginas.
-Narraciones ideales para estimular la confianza y la seguridad en sí mismos de los nuevos lectores.


The New York Times bestselling Dragon Masters series is “How to Train Your Dragon” meets the Dragon Slayers’ Academy, and it’s perfect for newly independent readers!
Pick a book. Grow a reader.
This series of chapter books which is aimed at newly independent readers. With easy-to-read text, high-interest content, fast-paced plots, and illustrations on every page, these books will boost reading confidence and stamina.  
DRAGON MASTERS has it all! Dragons, a Dragon Stone, a king, a wizard, and magic!  
In the first book in this fully illustrated series, 8-year-old Drake is snatched up by King Roland’s soldier and taken to the castle. He is to be trained as a Dragon Master. At the castle, he is joined by three other young Dragon Masters-in-training: Ana, Rori, and Bo. The Dragon Masters must learn how to connect with and train their dragons–and they must also uncover their dragons’ special powers. Does Drake have what it takes to be a Dragon Master? What is his dragon’s special power?