Los Pilares de la Tierra Series : Titles in Order
Book 5
- Available formats:
- Paperback (1)
Vuelve el mejor Follett con la emocionante quinta entrega de la saga «Los pilares de la Tierra».
El choque de progreso y tradición y una guerra que amenaza con engullir toda
Europa en la más ambiciosa y épica novela del maestro de la ficción histórica.
La revolución está en el aire
1792. Un gobierno tiránico está decidido a convertir Inglaterra en un poderoso imperio comercial. Mientras, Napoleón Bonaparte comienza su ambicioso ascenso al poder y, en medio de un gran descontento social, los vecinos de Francia se mantienen en máxima alerta.
Kingsbridge se asoma al abismo
Las innovaciones industriales se imponen de manera implacable, sacudiendo las vidas de los trabajadores de las prósperas fábricas textiles de Kingsbridge. Se abre un mundo de nuevas y liberadoras oportunidades ligado, sin embargo, a la crueldad más despiadada. La rápida modernización con sus flamantes pero peligrosas maquinarias están dejando obsoletos muchos trabajos y desgarrando a las familias.
Una nueva tiranía surge en el horizonte
Y a medida que el estallido de un conflicto internacional parece cada vez más cerca, la historia de un pequeño grupo de personas de Kingsbridge —incluidos la hilandera Sal Clitheroe, el tejedor David Shoveller y Kit, el ingenioso y decidido hijo de Sal— se convertirá en el símbolo de la lucha de toda una generación que desea progresar y pelea por un futuro sin opresión…
The long-awaited sequel to A Column of Fire, The Armor of Light heralds a new dawn for Kingsbridge, England, where progress clashes with tradition, class struggles push into every part of society, and war in Europe engulfs the entire continent and beyond.
The Spinning Jenny was invented in 1770, and with that, a new era of manufacturing and industry changed lives everywhere within a generation. A world filled with unrest wrestles for control over this new world order: A mother’s husband is killed in a work accident due to negligence; a young woman fights to fund her school for impoverished children; a well-intentioned young man unexpectedly inherits a failing business; one man ruthlessly protects his wealth no matter the cost, all the while war cries are heard from France, as Napoleon sets forth a violent master plan to become emperor of the world. As institutions are challenged and toppled in unprecedented fashion, ripples of change ricochet through our characters’ lives as they are left to reckon with the future and a world they must rebuild from the ashes of war.
Over thirty years ago, Ken Follett published his most popular novel, The Pillars of the Earth. Now, with this electrifying addition to the Kingsbridge series, we are plunged into the battlefield between compassion and greed, love and hate, progress and tradition. It is through each character that we are given a new perspective to the seismic shifts that shook the world in nineteenth-century Europe.
El choque de progreso y tradición y una guerra que amenaza con engullir toda
Europa en la más ambiciosa y épica novela del maestro de la ficción histórica.
La revolución está en el aire
1792. Un gobierno tiránico está decidido a convertir Inglaterra en un poderoso imperio comercial. Mientras, Napoleón Bonaparte comienza su ambicioso ascenso al poder y, en medio de un gran descontento social, los vecinos de Francia se mantienen en máxima alerta.
Kingsbridge se asoma al abismo
Las innovaciones industriales se imponen de manera implacable, sacudiendo las vidas de los trabajadores de las prósperas fábricas textiles de Kingsbridge. Se abre un mundo de nuevas y liberadoras oportunidades ligado, sin embargo, a la crueldad más despiadada. La rápida modernización con sus flamantes pero peligrosas maquinarias están dejando obsoletos muchos trabajos y desgarrando a las familias.
Una nueva tiranía surge en el horizonte
Y a medida que el estallido de un conflicto internacional parece cada vez más cerca, la historia de un pequeño grupo de personas de Kingsbridge —incluidos la hilandera Sal Clitheroe, el tejedor David Shoveller y Kit, el ingenioso y decidido hijo de Sal— se convertirá en el símbolo de la lucha de toda una generación que desea progresar y pelea por un futuro sin opresión…
The long-awaited sequel to A Column of Fire, The Armor of Light heralds a new dawn for Kingsbridge, England, where progress clashes with tradition, class struggles push into every part of society, and war in Europe engulfs the entire continent and beyond.
The Spinning Jenny was invented in 1770, and with that, a new era of manufacturing and industry changed lives everywhere within a generation. A world filled with unrest wrestles for control over this new world order: A mother’s husband is killed in a work accident due to negligence; a young woman fights to fund her school for impoverished children; a well-intentioned young man unexpectedly inherits a failing business; one man ruthlessly protects his wealth no matter the cost, all the while war cries are heard from France, as Napoleon sets forth a violent master plan to become emperor of the world. As institutions are challenged and toppled in unprecedented fashion, ripples of change ricochet through our characters’ lives as they are left to reckon with the future and a world they must rebuild from the ashes of war.
Over thirty years ago, Ken Follett published his most popular novel, The Pillars of the Earth. Now, with this electrifying addition to the Kingsbridge series, we are plunged into the battlefield between compassion and greed, love and hate, progress and tradition. It is through each character that we are given a new perspective to the seismic shifts that shook the world in nineteenth-century Europe.
Book 4
- Available formats:
- Hardcover (1)
En Las tinieblas y el alba, Ken Follett embarca al lector en un épico viaje que termina donde Los pilares de la Tierra comienza.
Año 997, finales de la Edad Oscura. Inglaterra se enfrenta a los ataques de los galeses por el oeste y de los vikingos por el este. La vida es difícil y aquellos que ostentan algo de poder lo ejercen con puño de hierro y, a menudo, en conflicto con el propio rey.
En estos tiempos turbulentos, tres vidas se entrecruzan: el joven constructor de barcos Edgar, a punto de fugarse con la mujer a la que ama, comprende que su futuro será muy diferente a lo que había imaginado cuando su hogar es arrasado por los vikingos; Ragna, la rebelde hija de un noble normando, acompaña a su marido a una nueva tierra al otro lado del mar solo para descubrir que las costumbres allí son peligrosamente distintas; y Aldred, un monje idealista, sueña con transformar su humilde abadía en un centro de saber admirado en toda Europa. Los tres se verán abocados a un enfrentamiento con el despiadado obispo Wynstan, decidido a aumentar su poder a cualquier precio.
El gran maestro de la narrativa de acción y suspense nos transporta al ocaso de una época violenta y brutal y el comienzo de un nuevo tiempo en un monumental y emocionante relato de ambición y rivalidad, nacimiento y muerte, amor y odio.
From the #1 New York Times bestselling author, a thrilling and addictive new novel–a prequel to The Pillars of the Earth–set in England at the dawn of a new era: the Middle Ages
It is 997 CE, the end of the Dark Ages. England is facing attacks from the Welsh in the west and the Vikings in the east. Those in power bend justice according to their will, regardless of ordinary people and often in conflict with the king. Without a clear rule of law, chaos reigns.
In these turbulent times, three characters find their lives intertwined. A young boatbuilder’s life is turned upside down when the only home he’s ever known is raided by Vikings, forcing him and his family to move and start their lives anew in a small hamlet where he does not fit in. . . . A Norman noblewoman marries for love, following her husband across the sea to a new land, but the customs of her husband’s homeland are shockingly different, and as she begins to realize that everyone around her is engaged in a constant, brutal battle for power, it becomes clear that a single misstep could be catastrophic. . . . A monk dreams of transforming his humble abbey into a center of learning that will be admired throughout Europe. And each in turn comes into dangerous conflict with a clever and ruthless bishop who will do anything to increase his wealth and power.
Thirty years ago, Ken Follett published his most popular novel, The Pillars of the Earth. Now, Follett’s masterful new prequel The Evening and the Morning takes us on an epic journey into a historical past rich with ambition and rivalry, death and birth, love and hate, that will end where The Pillars of the Earth begins.
En Las tinieblas y el alba, Ken Follett embarca al lector en un épico viaje que termina donde Los pilares de la Tierra comienza.
Año 997, finales de la Edad Oscura. Inglaterra se enfrenta a los ataques de los galeses por el oeste y de los vikingos por el este. La vida es difícil y aquellos que ostentan algo de poder lo ejercen con puño de hierro y, a menudo, en conflicto con el propio rey.
En estos tiempos turbulentos, tres vidas se entrecruzan: el joven constructor de barcos Edgar, a punto de fugarse con la mujer a la que ama, comprende que su futuro será muy diferente a lo que había imaginado cuando su hogar es arrasado por los vikingos; Ragna, la rebelde hija de un noble normando, acompaña a su marido a una nueva tierra al otro lado del mar solo para descubrir que las costumbres allí son peligrosamente distintas; y Aldred, un monje idealista, sueña con transformar su humilde abadía en un centro de saber admirado en toda Europa. Los tres se verán abocados a un enfrentamiento con el despiadado obispo Wynstan, decidido a aumentar su poder a cualquier precio.
El gran maestro de la narrativa de acción y suspense nos transporta al ocaso de una época violenta y brutal y el comienzo de un nuevo tiempo en un monumental y emocionante relato de ambición y rivalidad, nacimiento y muerte, amor y odio.
From the #1 New York Times bestselling author, a thrilling and addictive new novel–a prequel to The Pillars of the Earth–set in England at the dawn of a new era: the Middle Ages
It is 997 CE, the end of the Dark Ages. England is facing attacks from the Welsh in the west and the Vikings in the east. Those in power bend justice according to their will, regardless of ordinary people and often in conflict with the king. Without a clear rule of law, chaos reigns.
In these turbulent times, three characters find their lives intertwined. A young boatbuilder’s life is turned upside down when the only home he’s ever known is raided by Vikings, forcing him and his family to move and start their lives anew in a small hamlet where he does not fit in. . . . A Norman noblewoman marries for love, following her husband across the sea to a new land, but the customs of her husband’s homeland are shockingly different, and as she begins to realize that everyone around her is engaged in a constant, brutal battle for power, it becomes clear that a single misstep could be catastrophic. . . . A monk dreams of transforming his humble abbey into a center of learning that will be admired throughout Europe. And each in turn comes into dangerous conflict with a clever and ruthless bishop who will do anything to increase his wealth and power.
Thirty years ago, Ken Follett published his most popular novel, The Pillars of the Earth. Now, Follett’s masterful new prequel The Evening and the Morning takes us on an epic journey into a historical past rich with ambition and rivalry, death and birth, love and hate, that will end where The Pillars of the Earth begins.
Book 3
- Available formats:
- Paperback (1)
La saga de Los pilares de la Tierra y Un mundo sin fin, que ha cautivado a millones de lectores, prosigue ahora con la magnífica y apasionante nueva novela de Ken Follett.Uno de los mejores thrillers del año 2017 según Amazon y uno de los mejores libros publicados en 2017 para The Washington Post y Barnes & Noble.Una columna de fuego arranca cuando el joven Ned Willard regresa a su hogar en Kingsbridge por Navidad. Corre el año 1558, un año que trastocará la vida de Ned y que cambiará Europa para siempre.Las antiguas piedras de la catedral de Kingsbridge contemplan una ciudad dividida por el odio religioso. Los principios elevados chocan con la amistad, la lealtad y el amor, y provocan derramamientos de sangre. Ned se encuentra de pronto en el bando contrario al de la muchacha con quien anhela casarse, Margery Fitzgerald.Cuando Isabel I llega al trono, toda Europa se vuelve en contra de Inglaterra. La joven monarca, astuta y decidida, organiza el primer servicio secreto del país para estar avisada ante cualquier indicio de intrigas homicidas, levantamientos o planes de invasión.En París, a la espera, se encuentra la seductora y obstinada María Estuardo, reina de los escoceses, en el seno de una familia francesa con una ambición descomunal. Proclamada legítima soberana de Inglaterra, María cuenta con sus propios partidarios, que conspiran para deshacerse de Isabel.Entretanto, Ned Willard busca a Jean Langlais, un personaje escurridizo y enigmático, sin saber que tras ese nombre falso se esconde un compañero de clase de su infancia, alguien que lo conoce demasiado bien.A lo largo de medio siglo turbulento, el amor entre Ned y Margery parece condenado al fracaso mientras el extremismo hace estallar la violencia desde Edimburgo hasta Ginebra. Isabel se aferra precariamente a su trono y a sus principios, protegida por un pequeño y entregado grupo de espías hábiles y agentes secretos valerosos.Los auténticos enemigos, tanto entonces como ahora, no son las religiones rivales. La verdadera batalla es la que enfrenta a quienes creen en la tolerancia y el acuerdo contra tiranos dispuestos a imponer sus ideas a todo el mundo… y a cualquier precio.ENGLISH DESCRIPTION#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER
“Absorbing . . . impossible to resist.” —The Washington Post
As Europe erupts, can one young spy protect his queen? #1 New York Times bestselling author Ken Follett takes us deep into the treacherous world of powerful monarchs, intrigue, murder, and treason with his magnificent new epic, A Column of Fire.
In 1558, the ancient stones of Kingsbridge Cathedral look down on a city torn apart by religious conflict. As power in England shifts precariously between Catholics and Protestants, royalty and commoners clash, testing friendship, loyalty, and love.
Ned Willard wants nothing more than to marry Margery Fitzgerald. But when the lovers find themselves on opposing sides of the religious conflict dividing the country, Ned goes to work for Princess Elizabeth. When she becomes queen, all Europe turns against England. The shrewd, determined young monarch sets up the country’s first secret service to give her early warning of assassination plots, rebellions, and invasion plans. Over a turbulent half century, the love between Ned and Margery seems doomed as extremism sparks violence from Edinburgh to Geneva. Elizabeth clings to her throne and her principles, protected by a small, dedicated group of resourceful spies and courageous secret agents.
The real enemies, then as now, are not the rival religions. The true battle pitches those who believe in tolerance and compromise against the tyrants who would impose their ideas on everyone else—no matter what the cost.
Set during one of the most turbulent and revolutionary times in history, A Column of Fire is one of Follett’s most exciting and ambitious works yet. It will delight longtime fans of the Kingsbridge series and is the perfect introduction for readers new to Ken Follett.
“Absorbing . . . impossible to resist.” —The Washington Post
As Europe erupts, can one young spy protect his queen? #1 New York Times bestselling author Ken Follett takes us deep into the treacherous world of powerful monarchs, intrigue, murder, and treason with his magnificent new epic, A Column of Fire.
In 1558, the ancient stones of Kingsbridge Cathedral look down on a city torn apart by religious conflict. As power in England shifts precariously between Catholics and Protestants, royalty and commoners clash, testing friendship, loyalty, and love.
Ned Willard wants nothing more than to marry Margery Fitzgerald. But when the lovers find themselves on opposing sides of the religious conflict dividing the country, Ned goes to work for Princess Elizabeth. When she becomes queen, all Europe turns against England. The shrewd, determined young monarch sets up the country’s first secret service to give her early warning of assassination plots, rebellions, and invasion plans. Over a turbulent half century, the love between Ned and Margery seems doomed as extremism sparks violence from Edinburgh to Geneva. Elizabeth clings to her throne and her principles, protected by a small, dedicated group of resourceful spies and courageous secret agents.
The real enemies, then as now, are not the rival religions. The true battle pitches those who believe in tolerance and compromise against the tyrants who would impose their ideas on everyone else—no matter what the cost.
Set during one of the most turbulent and revolutionary times in history, A Column of Fire is one of Follett’s most exciting and ambitious works yet. It will delight longtime fans of the Kingsbridge series and is the perfect introduction for readers new to Ken Follett.
Book 2
- Available formats:
- Hardcover (1)
Veinte años después de la publicación de Los pilares de la Tierra, Ken Follett volvía al fascinante mundo de Kingsbridge para presentar a sus lectores un retrato admirable del mundo medieval y una magnífica saga épica que aporta una nueva dimensión a la ficción histórica.
Esta nueva edición incluye un prefacio del autor con motivo del 10º aniversario de la publicación.
La publicación de Los pilares de la Tierra supuso un acontecimiento editorial sin precedentes que cautivó a millones de lectores.
En Un mundo sin fin Ken Follett vuelve al fascinante mundo de Kingsbridge dos siglos después de la construcción de su majestuoso templo gótico. La catedral y el priorato ocupan de nuevo el centro de una encrucijada de amor y de odio, orgullo y codicia. En un mundo en que defensores a ultranza de las viejas costumbres luchan con encono con las mentes más progresistas, la intriga y la tensión llegan rápidamente a límites insoportables con el devastador telón de fondo de la Peste Negra, que aniquiló a la mitad de la población europea.
Intriga, asesinatos, hambruna, plagas y guerras. Un retrato admirable del mundo medieval y una novela extraordinaria que aporta una nueva dimensión a la ficción histórica.
In 1989 Ken Follett astonished the literary world with The Pillars of the Earth, a sweeping epic novel set in twelfth-century England centered on the building of a cathedral and many of the hundreds of lives it affected. Critics were overwhelmed—“it will hold you, fascinate you, surround you” (Chicago Tribune)—and readers everywhere hoped for a sequel.
World Without End takes place in the same town of Kingsbridge, two centuries after the townspeople finished building the exquisite Gothic cathedral that was at the heart of The Pillars of the Earth. The cathedral and the priory are again at the center of a web of love and hate, greed and pride, ambition and revenge, but this sequel stands on its own. This time the men and women of an extraordinary cast of characters find themselves at a crossroad of new ideas— about medicine, commerce, architecture, and justice. In a world where proponents of the old ways fiercely battle those with progressive minds, the intrigue and tension quickly reach a boiling point against the devastating backdrop of the greatest natural disaster ever to strike the human race—the Black Death.
Three years in the writing, and nearly eighteen years since its predecessor, World Without End breathes new life into the epic historical novel and once again shows that Ken Follett is a masterful author writing at the top of his craft.
Esta nueva edición incluye un prefacio del autor con motivo del 10º aniversario de la publicación.
La publicación de Los pilares de la Tierra supuso un acontecimiento editorial sin precedentes que cautivó a millones de lectores.
En Un mundo sin fin Ken Follett vuelve al fascinante mundo de Kingsbridge dos siglos después de la construcción de su majestuoso templo gótico. La catedral y el priorato ocupan de nuevo el centro de una encrucijada de amor y de odio, orgullo y codicia. En un mundo en que defensores a ultranza de las viejas costumbres luchan con encono con las mentes más progresistas, la intriga y la tensión llegan rápidamente a límites insoportables con el devastador telón de fondo de la Peste Negra, que aniquiló a la mitad de la población europea.
Intriga, asesinatos, hambruna, plagas y guerras. Un retrato admirable del mundo medieval y una novela extraordinaria que aporta una nueva dimensión a la ficción histórica.
In 1989 Ken Follett astonished the literary world with The Pillars of the Earth, a sweeping epic novel set in twelfth-century England centered on the building of a cathedral and many of the hundreds of lives it affected. Critics were overwhelmed—“it will hold you, fascinate you, surround you” (Chicago Tribune)—and readers everywhere hoped for a sequel.
World Without End takes place in the same town of Kingsbridge, two centuries after the townspeople finished building the exquisite Gothic cathedral that was at the heart of The Pillars of the Earth. The cathedral and the priory are again at the center of a web of love and hate, greed and pride, ambition and revenge, but this sequel stands on its own. This time the men and women of an extraordinary cast of characters find themselves at a crossroad of new ideas— about medicine, commerce, architecture, and justice. In a world where proponents of the old ways fiercely battle those with progressive minds, the intrigue and tension quickly reach a boiling point against the devastating backdrop of the greatest natural disaster ever to strike the human race—the Black Death.
Three years in the writing, and nearly eighteen years since its predecessor, World Without End breathes new life into the epic historical novel and once again shows that Ken Follett is a masterful author writing at the top of his craft.
Book 1
- Available formats:
- Paperback (1)
Los pilares de la Tierra es la obra maestra de Ken Follett y constituye una excepcional evocación de una época de violentas pasiones.
Esta edición de Los pilares de la Tierra incluye un prólogo del autor con motivo del 25.º aniversario de la publicación.
El gran maestro de la narrativa de acción y suspense nos transporta a la Edad Media, a un fascinante mundo de reyes, damas, caballeros, pugnas feudales, castillos y ciudades amuralladas. El amor y la muerte se entrecruzan vibrantemente en este magistral tapiz cuyo centro es la construcción de una catedral gótica. La historia se inicia con el ahorcamiento público de un inocente y finaliza con la humillación de un rey.
#1 New York Times Bestseller
Oprah’s Book Club Selection
The “extraordinary . . . monumental masterpiece” (Booklist) that changed the course of Ken Follett’s already phenomenal career. Look out for Ken’s newest book, A Column of Fire, available now.
“Follett risks all and comes out a clear winner,” extolled Publishers Weekly on the release of The Pillars of the Earth. A departure for the bestselling thriller writer, the historical epic stunned readers and critics alike with its ambitious scope and gripping humanity. Today, it stands as a testament to Follett’s unassailable command of the written word and to his universal appeal.
The Pillars of the Earth tells the story of Philip, prior of Kingsbridge, a devout and resourceful monk driven to build the greatest Gothic cathedral the world has known . . . of Tom, the mason who becomes his architect—a man divided in his soul . . . of the beautiful, elusive Lady Aliena, haunted by a secret shame . . . and of a struggle between good and evil that will turn church against state and brother against brother.
A spellbinding epic tale of ambition, anarchy, and absolute power set against the sprawling medieval canvas of twelfth-century England, this is Ken Follett’s historical masterpiece.
Esta edición de Los pilares de la Tierra incluye un prólogo del autor con motivo del 25.º aniversario de la publicación.
El gran maestro de la narrativa de acción y suspense nos transporta a la Edad Media, a un fascinante mundo de reyes, damas, caballeros, pugnas feudales, castillos y ciudades amuralladas. El amor y la muerte se entrecruzan vibrantemente en este magistral tapiz cuyo centro es la construcción de una catedral gótica. La historia se inicia con el ahorcamiento público de un inocente y finaliza con la humillación de un rey.
#1 New York Times Bestseller
Oprah’s Book Club Selection
The “extraordinary . . . monumental masterpiece” (Booklist) that changed the course of Ken Follett’s already phenomenal career. Look out for Ken’s newest book, A Column of Fire, available now.
“Follett risks all and comes out a clear winner,” extolled Publishers Weekly on the release of The Pillars of the Earth. A departure for the bestselling thriller writer, the historical epic stunned readers and critics alike with its ambitious scope and gripping humanity. Today, it stands as a testament to Follett’s unassailable command of the written word and to his universal appeal.
The Pillars of the Earth tells the story of Philip, prior of Kingsbridge, a devout and resourceful monk driven to build the greatest Gothic cathedral the world has known . . . of Tom, the mason who becomes his architect—a man divided in his soul . . . of the beautiful, elusive Lady Aliena, haunted by a secret shame . . . and of a struggle between good and evil that will turn church against state and brother against brother.
A spellbinding epic tale of ambition, anarchy, and absolute power set against the sprawling medieval canvas of twelfth-century England, this is Ken Follett’s historical masterpiece.
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