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Inspector Thomas Pitt / Charlotte y Thomas Pitt Series

Anne Perry
Traición en Lancaster Gate / Treachery at Lancaster Gate by Anne Perry
Asesinato en Kensington Gardens / Murder on the Serpentine by Anne Perry

Inspector Thomas Pitt / Charlotte y Thomas Pitt Series : Titles in Order

Book 32
Un misterio de la realeza nos traslada al Londres victoriano.

El jefe del Departamento Especial de la policía Thomas Pitt recibe una llamada de Buckingham Palace. La reina Victoria sabe que se acercan los últimos días de su reinado y que muy pronto el príncipe de Gales heredará el trono. Esa es la razón por la que había encargado a su gran amigo y confidente John Halberd que investigara a los amigos más cercanos del príncipe heredero. Entre ellos, el que más le interesaba era Alan Kendrick, adinerado playboy aficionado a las apuestas. Pero el cuerpo de Halberd es hallado en una barca de remos en el Serpentine, junto a los jardines de Kensington. Aunque la muerte se haya archivado como un desafortunado accidente, la reina Victoria no está convencida y quiere que Pitt averigüe la verdad, así que el jefe de policía se ve obligado a trabajar en solitario y en secreto y muy pronto se verá envuelto en una trama que desafía la reputación de importantes hombres de Estado y que puede poner en peligro la seguridad del Imperio Británico.¿Se convertirá éste en el último caso de Thomas Pitt?
ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONIn the history of Anne Perry’s bestselling Victorian mystery series, the stakes have never been greater than now—as a mission for queen and country places the future of the British Empire squarely in Thomas Pitt’s hands.

It is not the custom for the commander of Special Branch to receive a royal summons—so Thomas Pitt knows it must be for a matter of the gravest importance. The body of Sir John Halberd, the Queen’s confidant, has been found in the shallow water of the Serpentine in Hyde Park, bearing the evidence of a fatal blow to the head. At Her Majesty’s request, Sir John had been surreptitiously investigating Alan Kendrick, a horse-racing enthusiast who seems to have had an undue amount of influence on her son, the Prince of Wales.

Now Commander Pitt must navigate the corridors of power with the utmost discretion and stealth, for it seems certain that Sir John’s killer is a member of the upper classes. Aided by his wife, Charlotte, and her social contacts, Pitt seeks out the hidden motives behind the polite façade of those to the manner born—and uncovers a threat to the throne that could topple the monarchy.

With Murder on the Serpentine, Thomas Pitt nears a crossroads in his brilliant career—one that promises new challenges, both professional and personal, still to be met. But first, he and Charlotte must conquer the twists and turns of suspense master Anne Perry’s most cunningly crafted plot yet—to achieve their finest hour, or suffer their darkest.

Praise for Murder on the Serpentine

“For nearly four decades Anne Perry’s riveting detective novels have played out against the backdrop of the Victorian era. Fans of British royalty will delight in Murder on the Serpentine, which spotlights the woman this British author reminds us was ‘queen and empress of a quarter of the earth’ during her 63-year reign. . . . Perry writes meticulously laid-out police procedurals, and Pitt’s methodical investigation sets the novel’s early, steady pace.”—The Washington Post

“The mystery may follow familiar lines, but even newcomers are likely to be charmed by scenes that deepen Pitt’s family relationships. This entry’s main strength lies in the quiet, emotionally intelligent interactions among its characters.”—Publishers Weekly

“[Anne] Perry returns with another engrossing read brimming with superb period details and complex characters.”—RT Book Reviews

“Marvelous . . . Perry delivers once again by simply doing what she does better than anyone else—capturing the flavor, spirit and political temperature of Victorian-era London.”—Bookreporter
Book 3
La última novela de intriga de Anne Perry, protagonizada por Thomas y Charlotte Pitt, arroja una mirada implacable sobre la corrupción en la sociedad victoriana a finales del siglo XIX.

El mundo se prepara para profundos cambios sociales y políticos, pero Inglaterra lucha por aferrarse a sus tradiciones, estructura de clases y prejuicios.

¿Atentado o asesinato encubierto?

Una bomba estalla en Londres durante una redada policial secreta y se cobra varias vidas. Muchos creen que es un atentado perpetrado por anarquistas, pero el comandante Thomas Pitt, del Servicio de Seguridad del Estado, pronto descubre que se trata del encubrimiento calculado de un asesinato.

Las investigaciones de Pitt apuntan hacia un miembro del Parlamento en pos de un lucrativo negocio, un policía de alto rango con oscuros secretos, y un aristócrata sediento de venganza. A medida que sigue el hilo de la trama, Pitt se encuentra una y otra vez con las barreras que protegen a los ricos y poderosos. Barreras que, al derrumbarse, podrían sepultarlo vivo.

Gripping and provocative, the latest Thomas and Charlotte Pitt mystery by New York Times bestselling author Anne Perry peers unflinchingly into the corrupt affairs of Victorian society on the brink of the century’s turn. The world is poised for social and political change, but England holds tight to its traditions, classes, and prejudices.

When an explosion in London kills two policemen and seriously injures three more, many believe that anarchists are the culprits. But Thomas Pitt, commander of Special Branch, knows the city’s radical groups well enough to suspect that someone with decidedly more personal motives lit the deadly fuse. As he investigates the source of the fatal blast, Pitt is stunned to discover that the bombing was a calculated strike against the ranks of law enforcement.

But still more shocking revelations await, as Pitt’s inquiries lead him to a member of Parliament hoping for a lucrative business deal, a high-ranking police officer with secrets to keep, and an aristocratic opium addict seeking murderous revenge. As he pursues each increasingly threatening lead, Pitt finds himself impeded at every turn by the barriers put in place to protect the rich and powerful—barriers that, as they start to crumble, threaten to bury him alive.

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