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Detective William Monk Series

Anne Perry
Venganza en el Támesis / Revenge in a Cold River by Anne Perry
Sangre en el Támesis / Blood on the Water by Anne Perry
Ecos de muerte / An Echo Of Murder by Anne Perry

Detective William Monk Series : Titles in Order

Book 23
Vuelve la autora por excelencia del crimen victoriano. La nueva novela de la serie William MonkEn toda su carrera como comandante de la Policía Fluvial, Monk nunca  había visto una escena del crimen más espantosa: el propietario de un  almacén húngaro yace muerto en medio de su oficina cubierta de sangre,  el pecho atravesado por una bayoneta y misteriosamente rodeado por  diecisiete velas, sus mechas sumergidas en sangre. Al sospechar que el  asesinato puede estar motivado por prejuicios étnicos, Monk se dirige a  la comunidad húngara de Londres en busca de pistas. Con la ayuda de su esposa, la ex enfermera Hester, que está lidiando con un veterano de  guerra traumatizado posiblemente involucrado en los asesinatos, Monk  combatirá la desconfianza, la hostilidad y las amenazas de las mismas  personas que intenta proteger. A medida que se multiplica el número de  cadáveres, también aumenta la resistencia a la policía. En una carrera  descontrolada contra la epidemia de terror que siembra el asesino, Monk deberá ser más implacable que nunca.ENGLISH DESCRIPTION

“In this riveting new William Monk novel, Anne Perry delves into the diverse population of Victorian London, whose disparate communities force Monk to rethink his investigative techniques—lest he be caught in the crosshairs of violent bigotry.

In the course of his tenure with the Thames River Police, Commander Monk has yet to see a more gruesome crime scene: a Hungarian warehouse owner lies in the middle of his blood-sodden office, pierced through the chest with a bayonet and eerily surrounded by seventeen candles, their wicks dipped in blood. Suspecting the murder may be rooted in ethnic prejudice, Monk turns to London’s Hungarian community in search of clues but finds his inquiries stymied by its wary citizens and a language he doesn’t speak. Only with the help of a local pharmacist acting as translator can Monk hope to penetrate this tightly knit enclave, even as more of its members fall victim to identical brutal murders. But whoever the killer, or killers, may be—a secret society practicing ritual sacrifice, a madman on a spree, a British native targeting foreigners—they are well hidden among the city’s ever-growing populace.

With the able assistance of his wife—former battlefield nurse Hester, who herself is dealing with a traumatized war veteran who may be tangled up in the murders—Monk must combat distrust, hostility, and threats from the very people he seeks to protect. But as the body count grows, stirring ever greater fear and anger among the Hungarian émigrés, resistance to the police also increases. Racing time and the rising tide of terror all around him, Monk must be even more relentless than the mysterious killer, or the echoes of malice and murder will resound through London’s streets like a clarion of doom.”
Book 22
Anne Perry, maestra de la novela de intriga histórica ambientada en la era victoriana, nos transporta nuevamente a orillas del Támesis en su nueva y vibrante novela de William Monk.

Cuando el comandante Monk de la Policía del Támesis es convocado para investigar la aparición de un hombre ahogado en el río, que resulta ser un prisionero fugitivo, tiene que vérselas nuevamente con el oficial de aduanas McNab, que alberga un amargo rencor contra Monk y que siempre intenta perjudicarlo.

Tras la fuga de un segundo prisionero y a medida que las trampas de McNab se vuelven más terroríficas, Monk se verá forzado a recurrir a la ayuda de su mujer, Hester, y de su amigo el abogado Oliver Rathbone. Juntos, tratarán de desentrañar el misterio que rodea a las muertes en el Támesis y a la rivalidad enfermiza de McNab


Master of mystery and historical intrigue Anne Perry once again transports readers to the banks of the Thames in Victorian London for her thrilling new William Monk novel. In Revenge in a Cold River, Monk faces his darkest hour ever as he spars with a quarry hell-bent on vengeance.

When Commander Monk of the Thames River Police is called to investigate the drowning of an escaped prisoner, he’s forced to contend with customs officer McNab, who clearly bears a bitter grudge against him. But the reason is a mystery in itself. Monk’s memory loss—a secret he guards closely—leaves him vulnerable to repercussions from his missing past, especially his exploits overseas in the tumultuous Gold Rush days of San Francisco. And now McNab, as icy and unfathomable as the steel-gray Thames itself, appears intent on using whatever damning facts he can find to his advantage to ruin Monk’s future as an officer of the law.

As Monk explores the possibility of a conspiracy, McNab’s game of cat and mouse escalates, with veiled threats and cryptic insinuations. Snared in an unforeseen trap, a desperate Monk must turn to his wife, Hester, and friend and attorney Oliver Rathbone for help, as his life literally hangs in the balance.

With razor-edged suspense and shocking twists and turns, Revenge in a Cold River is Anne Perry at her most intense—and most satisfying.
Book 20
Anne Perry nos lleva a la ajetreada ribera del Támesis, donde una tarde de verano William Monk, comandante de la Policía Fluvial, presencia la horripilante explosión del barco de recreo Princess Mary, que provoca la muerte de los casi doscientos pasajeros que celebraban una fiesta a bordo.

La tragedia no es fruto de un accidente. Monk debería encargarse del caso, pero la investigación se le asigna al comisario de la Policía Metropolitana. Enseguida atrapan a un egipcio, Habib Beshara, que es juzgado y sentenciado a muerte. Sin embargo, casi con la misma rapidez, Monk presenta pruebas de que, Beshara, aun siendo un canalla, estaba en otro lugar en el momento de la explosión. La investigación, para entonces un desbarajuste absoluto, se pone a toda prisa en manos de Monk.

¿Guarda el crimen relación con la inminente apertura del Canal de Suez, que beneficiará enormemente a las navieras británicas? ¿O todos esos inocentes se ahogaron para asegurar el asesinato de uno solo de ellos? ¿Cómo subió a bordo del barco el terrorista y cómo consiguió escapar? ¿Se trata de un anarquista o de un loco?.
Con el apoyo de su perspicaz esposa Hester y de su viejo amigo Oliver Rathbone, Monk deberá descubrir las respuestas, pese a que sus preguntas toparán con el rechazo de una formidable variedad de personajes poderosos y privilegiados.


As her New York Times bestselling novels always remind us, Anne Perry is a matchless guide to both the splendor and the shame of the British Empire at the height of its influence. In her twentieth William Monk mystery, she brings us to London’s grand Mayfair mansions, where the arrogant masters of the Western world hold sway—and to the teeming Thames waterfront, where one summer afternoon, Monk witnesses the horrifying explosion of the pleasure boat Princess Mary, which sends to their deaths nearly two hundred merrymakers.
The tragedy is no accident. As commander of the River Police, Monk should handle the case, but the investigation is turned over to the commissioner of the Metropolitan Police. An Egyptian man is swiftly caught, tried, and sentenced to die. But almost as quickly, Monk presents evidence that Habib Beshara, though a nasty piece of work, was elsewhere at the time of the blast. The investigation, now in complete disarray, is hastily turned over to Monk.
Is the crime connected with the soon-to-be-opened Suez Canal, which will enormously benefit wealthy British shipping companies? Or did all of those innocent people drown to ensure the death of just one? How did the bomber board the ship, and how did he manage to escape? Is he an anarchist or a madman?
Backed up by his astute wife, Hester, and his old reliable friend Oliver Rathbone, Monk vows to find answers—but instead finds himself treading the dangerous waters of international intrigue, his questions politely turned aside by a formidable array of the powerful and privileged. Events twist and turn like the Thames itself, leading to the shattering moment when Monk realizes, perhaps too late, that he is the next target.

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