The Physics of Christianity
By Frank J. Tipler
By Frank J. Tipler
By Frank J. Tipler
By Frank J. Tipler
Category: Religion | Science & Technology
Category: Religion | Science & Technology
Aug 19, 2008 | ISBN 9780385514255
Mar 20, 2007 | ISBN 9780385521840
Secrets of the Vine Leader’s Guide
The Africans
National Audubon Society Mushrooms of North America
Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial?
The Myth of the Goddess
The New Jerusalem Bible
Jesus the Son of Man
Letter and Spirit
Common Sense
Praise for Frank Tipler’s The Physics of Immortality:
“A thrilling ride to the far edges of modern physics.” —New York Times Book Review
“A dazzling exercise in scientific speculation, as rigorously argued as it is boldly conceived.” —Wall Street Journal
“Tipler has written a masterpiece conferring much-craved scientific respectability on what we have always wanted to believe in.” —Science
“More readable than Roger Penrose’s The Emperor’s New Mind or Douglas Hofstadter’s Gödel, Escher, Bach . . . an imaginative eschatological entertainment appropriate to the approaching end of the millennium.” —New Orleans Times-Picayune
“Undeniably fascinating…” —Seattle Times
“Tipler’s brash announcements are challenging—and entertaining. Although written from the viewpoint of a Ph.D., anyone should be able to get a kick out of the professor’s big-bang ideas.” —Publishers Weekly
“A book that proves the existence of the Almighty and inevitably of resurrection, without recourse to spiritual mumbo jumbo . . . Tipler does it all.” —Mirabella
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