Stairway to Heaven
By Alison Hawthorne Deming
By Alison Hawthorne Deming
By Alison Hawthorne Deming
By Alison Hawthorne Deming
Part of Penguin Poets
Part of Penguin Poets
Sep 27, 2016 | ISBN 9780143108856
Sep 27, 2016 | ISBN 9781101992128
The History of Lesbian Hair
Invented Lives
I Know You’re Out There
When Harlem Was in Vogue
He Saw That It Was Good
The Boys and Their Baby
A Taste of Power
This I Believe
Me and Shakespeare
Advance Praise for Stairway to Heaven
“Deming’s sophisticated yet accessible work is an ecopoetic disquisition and aphoristic guidebook, but most saliently, it is an imagist gem that is urgent and masterly in its evocation of place, liminality, and waking dreams.”
– Publishers Weekly
“Voice as ‘shelter and invitation’ – this is exactly what Deming’s voice becomes in Stairway to Heaven. Shelter from the madness threatening all natural gravities; invitation to wisdom and deeper knowing, woven of intricate knowledge and care. This is a book to climb with, again and again.”
– Naomi Shihab Nye
“Never was a book of elegies so suffused with life as Stairway to Heaven--with life and with the painful joy that arrives in, as part of, an earthly body. Aptly, the book’s title directs us at once toward the place we imagine awaits us after this life and to the actual sky in which we imagine it, even when we don’t believe in any afterlife. What these poems compellingly argue, through their intense presence, is that what we find here, even as we feel ourselves leaving it, is more than enough.”
– Katharine Coles
“These are beautiful, planetary poems spanning the stretch between mind and cosmos, teasing out how the living things of this world work and why we love them so much.”
– Kim Stanley Robinson
“In this splendid collection, the poet is exquisitely attuned to nature’s cycles and the mortality of loved ones. Particularly moving is the poem ‘The Luminous Mother,’ where she prays for the rising atoms of her mother and brother and teaches us how to grieve without losing our sense of awe.”
– Phillip Lopate
“Alison Deming knows more about the world than almost anybody, and thank the stars she’s willing to share her wisdom.”
– Bill McKibben
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