Dec 26, 2007 | ISBN 9780385525374
Supreme Conflict
The Real State of America Atlas
Being Nixon
Oswald’s Tale
Eyes Behind the Lines
Faith Under Fire
The Victim
How Homo Politicus Sees Dana Milbank:
“The (Bush) Administration’s least favorite journalist. And it’s not hard to see why.”
—The American Prospect
“Taking trash journalism to new heights.”
—Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
“Many of us do believe Dana is rabid…there is probably nothing human, at least, that could balance Dana. I have suggested a close examination of various reptiles, and it may be that we need to go to the Galapagos Islands to find something appropriate.”
—Tom Edsall, former Washington Post colleague
“The most anti-Bush reporter currently assigned to the White House by a major news organization.”
—National Review
“Washington PR folks, who would normally auction off their right arm to get the Washington Post to cover their boss’ press conference, know by now that having Dana Milbank show up is probably more of a curse than a blessing.”
“A wonder at the anthropology of this town and understanding the way the sociology of Washington works today.”
—Chris Matthews, host of Hardball
Wonkette poll—Dana Milbank is…
…emblematic of the deterioration of the American media. 12.1%
…the savior of American journalism. 13.5%
…a publicity whore. 74.4%
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