Instant Happy Journal
By Karen Salmansohn
By Karen Salmansohn
Category: Self-Improvement & Inspiration
Oct 06, 2015 | ISBN 9781607748243
Making Great Relationships
The Journal of Ink & Ardor
Total Garbage
Reading the Waves
The 5 Types of Wealth
Not Sure Who Needs to Hear This, But . . .
Life in Three Dimensions
Perfect Is Boring (And It Tastes Like Kale)
“Salmansohn reminds us that in life, we are in charge of our own destiny. We have the power to overcome through gratitude, humor and courage.”
– Tony Robbins, New York Times Bestselling Author
“Karen is an expert on psychological research studies to help you not only recover from the tough times, but also bounce back to an even higher level than your previous bests.”
– Tim Ferriss, New York Times Bestselling Author
“Karen packs a library’s worth of proven insights into all she does. For anyone mired in the dumps – or who just wants to live more joyfully – Karen’s for you!”
– Gretchen Rubin, New York Times Bestselling Author
“Karen’s writing is like Paxil without the side effects. If you’ve been sucker-punched by life (in other words, if you’re human), Karen gives you empowering, user-friendly tips to deal with it. The very act of reading her writing will make you feel happier.”
– A.J. Jacobs, New York Times Bestselling Author
“Salmansohn’s writing is bold, playful, insightful – with powerful metaphors that provoke and inspire. Her kinetic images amplify her message and take her books to a new level of literary experience.”
– Deepak Chopra, New York Times Bestselling Author
“If you’re not happy with what you’re getting, maybe you need a whole new plan. Karen Salmansohn offers you one. Start now!”
– Seth Godin, New York Times Bestselling Author
“Karen Salmansohn is a creative force of nature. I love her insights and relentless commitment to helping people live happy and successful lives. Her smart sense of humor and unusual metaphors make changing your life not only do-able but, totally fun. I simply adore her!”
– Marie Forleo, founder The B School
“Salmansohn’s got sass and shine! Her work sparks people to wake up, and at the same time, gives the comfort of perennial wisdom — such a divine combo. Sass and shine, in the best packaging!”
– Danielle LaPorte
“Life is full of surprise challenges – and Karen Salmansohn offers informative research from the world of resiliency psychology to help ensure you bounce back from tough times stronger, better, happier!”
– Marci Shimoff, New York Times Bestselling Author
“Salmansohn’s advice for regaining your footing after a life set back is smart, do-able and even fun.”
– Lucy S. Danziger, Editor-in-Chief, SELF Magazine
“Karen Salmansohn is the high priestess of great attitude!”
– Marshall Goldsmith, New York Times Bestselling Author
“Karen Salmansohn will lift your spirits at the same time, focus your path in the truths, challenges and opportunities found in everyday life.”
– Sharon Salzberg, co-founder of the Insight Meditation Society
“Karen Salmansohn is a big brain in high heels.”
– Goldie Hawn, actress and founder The Hawn Foundation
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