Dec 18, 2007 | ISBN 9780307419026
AA to Z
Prenups for Lovers
Outing Yourself
Promises Kept
The Fangirl Life
Men’s Work
Radical Honesty
When Life Becomes Precious
Right on the Money!
"HAVING IT ALL? portrays (at last!) the joys, dreams and concerns of successful black women but it is not only for them. Women of all races will see themselves reflected in Chambers’ subjects–they may also be fascinated by the differences. This book is a much-needed contribution to the conversation we all have—with our friends, sisters, mothers, daughters–about how, as a woman, to lead a truly full and satisfying life."
-Peggy Orenstein, author of Flux: Women on Sex, Work, Love, Kids, & Life in a Half-Changed World
"With verve and personal insight, Veronica Chambers charts one of the most important but under-covered social movements of our time–the rise of black women to their rightful place in American professional life. It’s a coming-of-age story not just for these women, but for the whole country."
–Jonathan Alter, Newsweek
"A fascinating and enlightening glimpse into the lives and minds of successful black women today. The book, culturally rich and eminently readable, is one every reader–black or white, male or female, would do well to immerse herself in."
-Cathi Hanauer, Editor of Bitch in the House: 26 Women Tell the Truth About Sex, Solitude, Work, Motherhood and Marriage
"HAVING IT ALL? is the real thing. These are women in real situations — Veronica Chambers has written a fascinating and wonderfully researched book."
-Gail Buckley, Author of American Patriots
“Veronica Chambers is smart and brave. HAVING IT ALL? should be required reading for any woman, Black, White or myriad other, who dares to break out of the box and define herself.”
– Benilde Little, Author of Acting Out and Good Hair
"Veronica Chambers’ HAVING IT ALL? is more than a collective biography of successful black women. The book is a history lesson about women who’ve transformed the cultural image from Aunt Jemima to uber-mogul Oprah Winfrey–and transformed America in turn. Most importantly, Chambers reveals the moments of self-transformation that happen in every black woman’s life, through the stories of some of the most fascinating and accomplished people in America."
-Farai Chideya author of THE COLOR OF OUR FUTURE
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