A Book of Angels
By Sophy Burnham
By Sophy Burnham
By Sophy Burnham
By Sophy Burnham
Category: Philosophy | Religion
Category: Philosophy | Religion
Mar 31, 2011 | ISBN 9781585428779
Mar 31, 2011 | ISBN 9781101486474
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“A golden conjunction of heaven and earth . . . Reminding us that there are angels in every religion.”
–The Washington Post
“A Book of Angels is a kind of timeless tour, led by ordinary people who’ve met angels, and extraordinary writers who’ve set down ageless thoughts: Milton, Dante, Goethe, Shakespeare, Blake, Rilke, Dostoevsky, Swedenborg, and Poe, along with passages from the Bible and Koran.”
–Los Angeles Times
“Like all good books, it exceeds the subject and illuminates the tough, tiring, and sometimes miraculous business of living, where angels sometimes help out. . . . The visible and invisible dance with each other continually, and as far as angels are concerned, now you see them, now you don’t. A Book of Angels gives us a lovely, sustained glimpse.”
–Chicago Tribune
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