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The Wahls Protocol by Terry Wahls M.D.
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The Wahls Protocol

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The Wahls Protocol by Terry Wahls M.D. and Eve Adamson
Mar 13, 2014 | ISBN 9781101605684

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“In The Wahls Protocol, Dr. Wahls provides elegant first hand validation that diet truly represents the most powerful medicine. This book is totally supported by the most leading edge research and provides a beacon of hope when compared to the ever changing landscape of pharmaceutical recommendations for multiple sclerosis.”
—David Perlmutter, MD, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Grain Brain
“Groundbreaking! Once you understand why you need to eat for health, Dr. Wahls delivers a detailed road map, guiding you step by step.  This will be life changing for many.”
—Robb Wolf, New York Times bestselling author of The Paleo Solution
“Using clear language, Dr. Wahls teaches how our food and lifestyle choices create health or disease depending on our choices. For anyone suffering from autoimmune or other chronic health problems, this book will be life changing.”
—Mark Hyman, M.D. #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Blood Sugar Solution. 
“Whether or not you struggle with autoimmune diseases, I can’t recommend The Wahls Protcol highly enough. Dr. Wahls provides a clear, in-depth, copiously researched dietary and lifestyle protocol to help you take charge of your health and your life. An absolute must-read book.”
—JJ Virgin, New York Times bestselling author of The Virgin Diet
“Terry Wahls is a hero to many for her discovery that a nourishing ancestral diet can heal multiple sclerosis. In The Wahls Protocol, Terry sets forth a straightforward plan for achieving good health through good food. Not just for MS patients, The Wahls Protocol is a fascinating tale that proves the wisdom of Hippocrates: ‘Let food be thy medicine.’ Try it, it works!”
—Paul Jaminet, Ph.D., author of Perfect Health Diet and editor-in-chief of the Journal of Evolution and Health
“Dr. Wahls teaches you how to eat and live so that you can upgrade dramatically your brain and body.”
—Sara Gottfried M.D., New York Times bestselling author of The Hormone Cure
“Terry Wahls’ new book is one of the most important books on health ever written. That’s not a hyperbolic statement, just plain fact. If doctors would take this incredible information to heart (and into their practices), the health crisis in this world would be over–the cancer industry crushed and the rise in autoimmune conditions would fall. True health reform is contained within these pages. I cannot recommend a book any more highly. Bravo Dr. Wahls!”
—Leanne Ely, C.N.C., New York Times bestsellling author of Saving Dinner 
“I’ve long recommended that anyone diagnosed with MS who is also interested in health and healing research the work of Dr. Wahls online, but the game has now changed. The Wahls Protocol will be the go-to resource for anyone suffering from MS or another autoimmune condition who is ready to fight back. Dr. Wahls outlines a clear-cut, stepped approach to dietary and lifestyle changes–supported by her extensive research and testing of the plans–that will put anyone on a path to better health. Whether you have MS or not, The Wahls Protocol is a goldmine of easy-to-follow, real-food nutritional guidelines that will leave you feeling so amazing it’ll make you wonder how you ever ate any other way.”
—Diane Sanfilippo, BS, NC, New York Times bestselling author of Practical Paleo
The Wahls Protocol is one ‘ah-ha’ after another of how Terry Wahls’ realizations may help you in your health journey. Not only will you be captivated by what you read, you’ll also learn how to be healthier. Highly recommended.”
—Dr. Tom O’Bryan, creator of “A Grain of Truth: The Gluten e-Summit”
“Terry Wahls does an amazing job at highlighting the importance of micronutrients (vitamins, minerals and essential fats) as an integral part in preventing and reversing disease.  Her story is incredible and brings hope to millions needlessly suffering. The Wahls Protocol is a must read for anyone looking to reverse autoimmune conditions naturally.”
—Mira Calton, CN and Jayson Calton, Ph.D., authors of Rich Food, Poor Food
“The best treatment for multiple sclerosis, autoimmunity, and chronic disease is teaching people how and why to eat and live for optimal health. By combining the latest science with the all-important factors of nutrition, exercise, and healthy lifestyle, The Wahls Protocol goes beyond conventional treatments and empowers you with real solutions.”
—Ann Boroch, C.N.C., author of Healing Multiple Sclerosis: Diet, Detox & Nutritional Makeover for Total Recovery
“Dr. Wahls engages us with her personal story of triumph over multiple sclerosis while educating us on the importance of a nutrient-dense diet for our cellular health. You will find yourself drawn in and inspired to take control of your own health as Dr. Wahls shares her experiences, knowledge, and compassion. The three levels of The Wahls Protocol provide a concrete plan—including both feasible diet and lifestyle changes—to help you on your road to recovery.”
—Sarah Ballantyne, Ph.D., author of The Paleo Approach
The Wahls Protocol is essential reading for anyone suffering from a chronic disease and wanting to regain their health. All the therapies which restored Dr Wahls to well-being are described in detail and are succinctly summarized in the appendices. The huge amount of scientific information, clear explanations, and practical advice makes this book an invaluable resource and indispensable reference.”
—Ashton Embry, Ph.D., president of Direct-MS
“Only Terry Wahls, M.D. could have written a book as important as The Wahls Protocol. Her discovery of a path to recovery from disabling multiple sclerosis after failing to respond to the traditional medical approach is not only a story of great personal triumph, but a manifesto of hope for many others with various chronic illnesses for which drug therapy has not worked. This is a book that provides a program that can be applied by anyone who is searching for solutions to health challenges.”
—Jeffrey Bland, Ph.D., president of the Personalized Lifestyle Medicine Institute

Author Essay

Top 3 Things You Didn’t Know About Paleo

Many people hear the word Paleo but don’t really understand what it means. They have often have serious misconceptions about what Paleo is all about. Sadly, this can keep them from trying an eating strategy that could transform their health. In order to dispel some of the myths, here are some things you might not know about Paleo.

1. People tend to think that there is one right way to eat Paleo. This is nonsense. Just as, 20,000 years ago, there were thousands of ways actual Paleolithic people ate, today there are many ways Paleo eaters choose to eat. However, the ideal Paleo diet—both during the Paleolithic time and now–is nutrient dense and uses the foods that are available in that location and in that season. Most also avoid all gluten-containing grains and stress the benefits of eating organic, pastured or wild meat and fish.

That leaves a lot of leeway. Some Paleo eaters remove all grains and all legumes, but others include a few gluten-free grains such as brown rice, and some occasionally include legumes. Some Paleo eaters eat eggs every day, while others avoid eggs. Some remove nightshades (pepper, tomatoes, eggplant, and potatoes), while others eat these frequently. Some snack daily on nuts and seeds, while others shun these as well. Some allow dairy, while others wouldn’t think of it. My particular version of the Paleo diet (aka the Wahls Paleo Diet) is gluten, dairy, and egg free, and stresses 6 to 9 cups of vegetables every day, because that is the diet I have found to be most useful in combating the symptoms of autoimmunity.

2. Another myth is that people don’t do well without grain. This is also nonsense. Paleo is having tremendous success in today’s society because people who adopt a Paleo diet often experience weight loss without hunger, chronic pain diminishing, brain fog evaporating, and/or autoimmune symptoms fading away. Studies of Paleo diets reveal greater satiety, better blood sugar levels, and more favorable cholesterol profiles in their subjects compared to those eating a Mediterranean diet.

3. People say the Paleo diet isn’t being seriously studied. Also false. I am one of the physician scientists conducting clinical trials to study the efficacy of Paleo diets to treat disease. Our first trial addressed measures of fatigue in those with secondary and primary progressive multiple sclerosis. We observed largest reduction in multiple-sclerosis-related fatigue that has been reported to date.

So the next time you feel like doing a little Paleo-bashing, perhaps hold your tongue and consider the benefits. Maybe Paleo isn’t for you. But what if, just maybe, it is?

-Dr. Terry Wahls

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