Such Troops as These
By Bevin Alexander
By Bevin Alexander
By Bevin Alexander
By Bevin Alexander
Category: Civil War History | Military History | Biography & Memoir
Category: Civil War History | Military History | Biography & Memoir
Sep 01, 2015 | ISBN 9780425271308
Sep 02, 2014 | ISBN 9780698138193
Valleys of Death
Paths of Glory
The Moral Consequences of Economic Growth
How Wars Are Won
Death in the Jungle
Vietnam Medal of Honor Heroes
The White and the Gold
At War at Sea
Praise for Such Troops as These
“In his superb new book, Bevin Alexander continues to demonstrate the breadth of his historical knowledge, the keenness of his insight and his outstanding capacity to write a compelling and engaging narrative. This is the best book on Stonewall Jackson’s unique military genius and unmatched leadership published in many years. Alexander cuts through a century and a half of mythmaking about the Confederate high command to reveal not only Jackson’s true genius, but to also expose the failures of Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis that cost the South any chance of victory.”—Colonel Jerry D. Morelock, PhD, U.S. Army, ret., Editor in Chief, Armchair General magazine
“[This] book belongs in the library of any serious student of military lore.”—General Frederick J. Kroesen, former vice chief of staff of the U.S. Army and commander in chief, U.S. Army Europe
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