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The Introvert Entrepreneur by Beth Buelow
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The Introvert Entrepreneur

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The Introvert Entrepreneur by Beth Buelow
Nov 03, 2015 | ISBN 9780698195233

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    Nov 03, 2015 | ISBN 9780399174834

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  • Nov 03, 2015 | ISBN 9780698195233

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“Filled with powerful stories from entrepreneurs in all stages of business, along with actionable advice, this book is an essential resource for introverts who choose to follow their entrepreneurial vision and carve out their own unique path.”  
–Susan Cain, co-founder of Quiet Revolution LLC and New York Times bestselling author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in A World That Can’t Stop Talking 

“As a longtime introvert entrepreneur, I was thrilled to discover a toolkit of resources for others like me. This book shows how you can go your own way while still being true to yourself. You can be successful in business without shouting—and you don’t have to attend those boring ‘networking’ events either.” 
 –Chris Guillebeau, New York Times bestselling author of The $100 Startup and The Happiness of Pursuit 
“I have always loved listening to author Beth Buelow’s engaging podcasts on introverted entrepreneurship. What a treat it is for all of us to learn from her in this well written and practical  book. If you think only extroverts can sell or lead thriving businesses you will change your mind after reading The Introvert Entrepreneur. Interested in joining the growing ranks of entrepreneurs? This book is the definitive guide to have at your side.” 
–Jennifer B. Kahnweiler, Ph.D., author of Quiet Influence, The Introverted Leader and The Genius of Opposites
“What introverted dreamer wouldn’t want a smart, successful mentor available in the quiet of their living room?  Beth Buelow is that mentor, and The Introvert Entrepreneur reaches introverts where they live: inside, with their hopes, fears and questions. An indispensable guide.”
–Laurie Helgoe, Ph.D., author of Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life is Your Hidden Strength 
“Having spent my life as an extrovert, in a family of extroverts, I didn’t fully understand that introverts saw the world a different way. Having followed Beth’s work and then reading her latest book, The Introvert Entrepreneur, I feel like I have insight that I hadn’t had before on how introverts do business. Upon finishing the book, I realized that many of my way of engaging with introverts was always based on my preferences rather than considering theirs. Now armed with increased understanding, I’ve changed my style and am getting better results in my communications with them. This book now has a permanent home on my desk as a valuable reference.” 
–Christopher Flett, founder of Ghost CEO and author of What Men Don’t Tell Women About Business and Market Shark
“As an introvert, entrepreneur, and sales person, I have been waiting for a book like The Introvert Entrepreneur. I just didn’t know it. Beth Buelow provides the essential guidance and encouragement for those labeled as introverts and have the passion to grow their businesses.” 
–John E. Doerr, Co-President RAIN Group and author of Insight Selling: Surprising Research on What Sales Winners Do Differently  
“Beth Buelow’s gem of a book is a coach and mentor in your pocket that celebrates your strengths, facilitates your creative thinking, and cheers you along (quietly!), step by step, toward your entrepreneurial dreams. Buelow asks smart questions and offers thoughtful advice that reflects her deep understanding of the experience of entrepreneurs who are building their own businesses, authentically and powerfully, as introverts. Her book is for you if you run (or want to start) your own business or even if you have a ‘job job’ and an entrepreneurial mindset. Buelow spurs you to unleash the best of what you have to offer—from reflection to action, from your FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) to your prosperity perspective.” 
–Nancy Ancowitz, author of Self-Promotion for Introverts®: The Quiet Guide to Getting Ahead

“Finally, a book about entrepreneurship that celebrates the gifts, skills, and strengths of introverted business owners. Beth does a beautiful job of helping introverts build a thriving business on their own terms — without having to pretend to be extroverts. The stories, tools and frameworks will guide and support effective, sustainable business growth for introverts in every type of business.”
–Pamela Slim, author of Escape from Cubicle Nation and Body of Work
“Based on the size and type of my business, most people don’t know this but I am a massive introvert! In this book Beth takes you on a powerful journey of dismantling each of the destructive limiting beliefs that most of us introverts have about why we can’t be successful entrepreneurs. This book is an empowering triumph for quiet leaders.”
–Rory Vaden, New York Times bestselling author of Take the Stairs and Procrastinate on Purpose 

“An introverted entrepreneur might sound like an oxymoron, but with an abundance of wisdom and compassion, Buelow teaches introverts not just how to survive the rigors of entrepreneurship, but how their particular gifts and quiet strength can help them thrive and prosper.”
–Sophia Dembling, author of The Introvert’s Way and Introverts in Love 

“Regardless of your profession, aspirations or age, any introvert will find valuable counsel and guidance in this brainy, accessible book.”
–Success Magazine

“[A] winning business manual…a thoughtful, kind and helpful guide for all those who are looking to strike out on their own, but are concerned that their need for alone time may get in the way.”

–Publishers Weekly

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