The Once and Future King
By T. H. White
By T. H. White
By T. H. White
By T. H. White
By T. H. White
By T. H. White
By T. H. White
By T. H. White
Part of Once and Future King
Category: Epic Fantasy | Fairy Tales
Category: Epic Fantasy | Fairy Tales
Category: Epic Fantasy | Fairy Tales
Category: Epic Fantasy | Fairy Tales
Nov 01, 2011 | ISBN 9780441020836
Jul 15, 1987 | ISBN 9780441627400
Aug 25, 1958 | ISBN 9780399105975
Nov 01, 2011 | ISBN 9781101657546
The Three Musketeers
Royal Assassin
Green Mars
A Princess of Mars
Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, and Other Classic Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault
The Hollow Man
The Once and Future King
“A fierce and damaged man, T. H. White wrote about fierce and damaged people—and children, and animals—with a brilliant, painful innocence that has no equal in literature. He is so good at hurt and shame—how did he also manage to be so funny? I have laughed at his great Arthurian novel and cried over it and loved it all my life.”—Ursula K. Le Guin
“Certain books offer pleasures so rich and enduring, they become part of what defines us. The Once and Future King is like that for me. It manages—by some miracle—to be about its own time, and a distant, legendary time, and about today. It mingles wisdom, wonderful, laugh-out-loud humor and deep sorrow—while telling one of the great tales of the Western world. I envy the reader coming to it for the first time.”—Guy Gavriel Kay
“White took hold of the ultimate English epic and recast it in modern literary language, sacrificing none of its grandeur or its strangeness in the process, and adding in all the humor and passion that we expect from a novel. What was once as stiff and two-dimensional as a medieval tapestry becomes rich and real and devastatingly sad.”—Lev Grossman
“Touching, profound, funny and tragic.”—Los Angeles Times
“Richly imagined and unfailingly eloquent and entertaining, its appeal is timeless and universal. If a reader reads only one Arthurian tale, let this be it.”—Booklist
“The Once and Future King is full of insights, scenes and flourishes that are really quite astonishing.”—The Guardian (U.K.)
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