The Collected Autobiographies of Maya Angelou
By Maya Angelou
By Maya Angelou
By Maya Angelou
By Maya Angelou
Category: Arts & Entertainment Biographies & Memoirs | Literary Figure Biographies & Memoirs | Classic Nonfiction | Historical Figure Biographies & Memoirs
Category: Arts & Entertainment Biographies & Memoirs | Literary Figure Biographies & Memoirs | Classic Nonfiction | Historical Figure Biographies & Memoirs
Sep 21, 2004 | ISBN 9780679643258
Apr 18, 2012 | ISBN 9780307432056
Marcel Proust
The Source of Self-Regard
God: A Biography
The Portable Nineteenth-Century African American Women Writers
Mountains Beyond Mountains
The Myth of Sisyphus
The Portable Frederick Douglass
Contemplative Prayer
“This testimony from a black sister marks the beginning of a new era in the minds and hearts of all black men and women. . . . I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings liberates the reader into life simply because Maya Angelou confronts her own life with such a moving wonder, such a luminous dignity. I have no words for this achievement, but I know that not since the days of my childhood, when the people in books were more real than the people one saw every day, have I found myself so moved. . . . Her portrait is a biblical study in life in the midst of death.”—James Baldwin
“Simultaneously touching and comic.”—The New York Times
“It is a heroic and beautiful book.”—The Plain Dealer
“Maya Angelou is a natural writer with an inordinate sense of life and she has written and exceptional autobiographical narrative . . . a beautiful book—an unconditionally involving memoir for our time or any time.”—Kirkus Reviews
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