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Masters of Scale Reader’s Guide

By Reid Hoffman

Masters of Scale by Reid Hoffman


Questions and Topics for Discussion

1. Masters of Scale presents many “counterintuitive” truths about scaling. Which surprised you most? Why?

2. Reid discusses the many ways that ideas present themselves—such as the Neon Sign, Slightly Twisted, and Hail Mary ideas. Do you have an “idea” now, and, if so, how did it arrive to you? And why do you think “chasing bad ideas” can be a good thing?

3. How many times have you heard the word “no” when presenting an idea? After reading Masters of Scale, do you have a different take on what “no” means?

4. There are times when the best way to scale is not to try to scale. Why do you think the authors say it’s better to try and get a hundred people to love your product rather than a million people to like it?

5. How do you view your org’s current culture? What kind of culture would you like to create?

6. In his analysis, Reid says that a fast-scaling company must focus on moving forward—which means you can’t spend the bulk of your time putting out fires. What fires do you have that are okay to leave burning?

7. There’s a big difference between being a know-it-all and a learn-it-all. Why is it important for entrepreneurs to be continuously learning? And in what ways can they keep learning?

8. What things can your customers tell you?

9. Conventional thought has often believed having a backup plan is a barrier to success. Why does the book think having a “Plan B” or being able to pivot is essential to scaling?

10. Name some companies you admire and say why. Why do you think “doing good” or “paying it forward” can be important to a company’s success?

11. Having read the book, what was the most important takeaway for you? What are you going to do next to scale your idea?

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