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Dog Friendly Reader’s Guide

By Victoria Schade

Dog Friendly by Victoria Schade


Reader’s Guide
Dog Friendly by Victoria Schade 
Discussion Questions:

1.   Do you think Morgan is in denial about her mental state at the beginning of the book? Why or why not? What subtle signs did you pick up on that signified her need for support?

2.   Had you heard of veterinary compassion fatigue prior to reading Dog Friendly? Did reading the book give you new insights into what veterinarians face?

3.   One of Morgan’s secrets was that she’d never fostered before. Have you ever tried fostering a dog or cat? What was your experience like?

4.   How did Hudson play a role in Morgan’s recovery? Do you think her time on Nantucket would’ve been different if he wasn’t with her?

5.   Initially Morgan agreed to surf with Nathan just to get closer to him, even though she had to conquer some fears to do so. In what ways did surfing with Nathan impact Morgan?

6.   Morgan kept her profession a secret from Nathan, even as their relationship developed. Do you think she should’ve been more open about it earlier?

7.   Bullying during childhood can have a lifelong negative impact. Do you think Mack’s reaction to his childhood bully was justified? Have you or someone you loved ever been bullied? How do you feel about the person now?

8.   Morgan and Mack had a complicated relationship, but despite their differences and emotional distance, they both still felt a pull to one another. Have you ever been estranged from a family member? Were you able to find a way to have a relationship?
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