Practical Innovation in Government
By Alan G. Robinson and Dean M. Schroeder
By Alan G. Robinson and Dean M. Schroeder
Category: Leadership
Jul 19, 2022 | ISBN 9781523001781
Buy the Hardcover:
Design Rules, Volume 2
The Don
A Different Way to Win
The Power of Agency
Rethinking Two Weeks’ Notice
Under the Hood
The Connector Manager
Topgrading (revised PHP edition)
The Leaders You Need
“Robinson and Schroeder have written one of the most important books in decades on improving government performance. A must-read for leaders at all levels who want to make their organizations better, faster, and stronger.”
— Michael Hancock, Mayor of the City of Denver
“This inspiring, relevant, and timely book turns the way we think about transforming government upside down. Rich with insightful principles and counterintuitive concepts, it is an unparalleled resource for any government manager who wants to make a real impact.”
— Wendy Kortuis-Smith, founder and former Director of Results Washington, and Executive Director, Virginia Mason Institute
“Finally, after all the hand-waving on how to improve government performance, a book that hits the target! Based on crucial insights from extensive research, Alan and Dean show how public-sector managers can create real, sustainable operational improvement by turning front-line supervisors and staff into the primary agents of change.”
— James Hunter, author of international bestsellers The Servant and The World’s Most Powerful Leadership Principle
“This fantastic book shows how to finally overcome the soul crushing effect of bureaucracy and its twin forces of complexity and powerlessness. With great clarity and insight, it chronicles the inspirational stories and counterintuitive methods used by front-line champions to fight and fix the systems our citizens depend on.”
— Ken Miller, author of Extreme Government Makeover and We Don’t Make Widgets
“There’s nobody better to teach you continuous improvement than Alan Robinson and Dean Schroeder. This well-researched book shows government managers how to make their units flat-out more effective in the services they provide. The authors’ previous books have helped so many in the private sector. I look forward to this book having even more impact in the public sector.”
— Mark Graban, author of Healthcare Kaizen, Measures of Success and Lean Hospitals
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