
Tools to Create Antiracist Workplaces

Discussion guides and further reading to prompt important discussion

Resources for Businesses Striving to be Antiracist

To Purchase Books in Bulk

Penguin Random House’s Business-to-Business program supports sales of titles when purchased in bulk quantities by organizations for gifting, training, and development. Our community-based program offers discounted purchasing, direct shipping, and customer support: for details on participating retailers or for more info please contact btbsales@penguinrandomhouse.com.

To Facilitate a Company-Wide Book Discussion

For businesses that want to continue the conversation with their employees, we have created a book discussion facilitation guide to help plan and structure a team conversation about any of these suggested titles.

Discussion Guides

Further Reading

Further Watching

Stanford professor and Biased author Jennifer Eberhardt speaks about implicit bias, racism, prejudice, and how it affects our daily lives

Further Listening

In this week’s episode, hosts Leanne, Liv and Shan discuss bringing their whole selves to work, their experiences of microaggressions, and most importantly how they deal with difficult situations with colleagues.