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Jack Smith


About the Author

Jack Smith has an MA in English (creative writing concentration); and a Ph.D. in English (American literature). He writes fiction regularly and has sold to the North American Review, Texas Review, Southern Review, Night Train, X-Connect, In Posse Review, and others. His novel, Hog to Hog, won the George Garrett Fiction Prize and was published by Texas Review Press in 2008. His nonfiction includes twenty articles for Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market. He’s also written a dozen pieces for The Writer and has been published numerous reviews in such magazines as Ploughshares, Georgia Review, Missouri Review, Prairie Schooner, American Book Review, Pleiades, Texas Review, Mid-American Review, Iowa Review, and Environment magazine. In addition to writing, he has served for more than twenty years as Fiction Editor at The Green Hills Literary Lantern, a literary journal published by Truman State University.

Books by Jack Smith published by Melville House