Stuffed and Starved
By Raj Patel
By Raj Patel
By Raj Patel
By Raj Patel
Category: Business | Domestic Politics | World Politics
Category: Business | Domestic Politics | World Politics
Jun 05, 2012 | ISBN 9781612191270
Jun 05, 2012 | ISBN 9781612191287
The Times
The Rising
7 Rules of Power
The Journey of Leadership
Human First, Leader Second
Nature, Culture, and Inequality
Your Money Playbook
The Financial Activist Playbook
On Leadership
“Compelling. At first glance, Raj is another depressing voice in the chorus. But in traveling the world researching the book, he also found hope in international social movements working to create more democratic, sustainable, and joyful food systems.”
—Mark Bittman, New York Times
“For Patel, it is a short step from Western consumers ‘engorged and intoxicated’ with cheap processed food to Mexican and Indian farmers committing suicide because they can’t make a living. The ‘food industry’s pabulum’ makes us all cogs in an evil machine.”
—The New Yorker
“Patel’s broad treatment helps the layman connect the dots, as well as hear the voices of those who occupy the lower rungs of the global food chain.”
—Time Magazine
“A blistering indictment of the policies of multinational agribusiness conglomerates and charges that their drive for profit at any cost has left the developing world starving while wealthy countries like the United States are experiencing epidemic obesity rates and related health problems.”
“A book full of insight, that makes an important contribution to understanding that the politics of food is not a narrow matter of shopping, ethical or otherwise.”
—The Guardian
“For anyone attempting to make sense of the world food crisis, or understand the links between U.S. farm policy and the ability of the world’s poor to feed themselves, Stuffed and Starved is indispensable.”
—Michael Pollan, author of The Omnivore’s Dilemma
“One of the most dazzling books I have read in a very long time. The product of a brilliant mind and a gift to a world hungering for justice.”
—Naomi Klein, author of No Logo
“Stuffed and Starved remains a brilliant didactic account of the powerful interests (dis)organizing our food systems, and why, when food is an object of profit, there are no modern solutions to modern problems such as endemic hunger, ill-health and environmental degradation…Raj Patel’s unique sensibility and intelligence in evaluating grassroots alternatives provide a road map to understanding and changing the world through re-centering food as a cultural anchor rather than a product, especially at this moment of environmental uncertainty.”
—Philip David McMichael, author of Development and Social Change
“With its conversational tone, sense of humor, and real-life vignettes from the author’s travels around the world, the book is accessible to general readers and will be as classroom-friendly as Michael Pollan’s Omnivore’s Dilemma.”
—Reference and Research Book News
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