"They Take Our Jobs!"
By Aviva Chomsky
By Aviva Chomsky
Part of Myths Made in America
Category: Politics
Jun 01, 2007 | ISBN 9780807041567
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“An indispensable guide to the current debate on immigration. If you are at all uncertain about how to deal with anti-immigrant arguments, you will find Chomsky’s book a perfect response. She makes her points with clarity and uses unassailable evidence while offering constructive short-and long-term solutions.—Howard Zinn, author of You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train
“You’ve heard it all before: Immigrants take away jobs from Americans. They drive down wages, don’t pay taxes and yet benefit from public services. But as Chomsky demonstrates, these are all myths, if not outright lies. She not only demolishes virtually every myth about immigrants and immigration to the U.S., she offers policymakers and activists solutions for tackling many of the issues created by globalization and an immigration policy grounded in falsehoods, and in so doing destroys the greatest myth of all: that nothing can be done.”—Robin D. G. Kelley, author of Freedom Dreams: The Black Radical Imagination
“Finally, a concise and comprehensive breakdown of the most prevalent misconceptions about immigration. Avi Chomsky provides not only practical ammunition for the pundit wars, but also real thinking about the intersection of migration and the history of race and rights in the U.S. It’s the definitive field guide to today’s immigration debate.”—Tram Nguyen, executive editor of Colorlines magazine and author of We Are All Suspects Now
“Avi Chomsky’s new book, They Take Our Jobs! is a welcome addition to the literature and tools needed to inform the current debate on immigration. In identifying more than 20 “myths” about immigration, the author brings readers through an accessible discussion that includes history, politics, economics and social analysis to challenge these myths and more. At a time when we desperately need to shift the public discourse in the U.S. and elsewhere, to include a more humane and informed perspective on the process of immigration and the lives of migrants and their families, Chomsky’s book provides us all with a much-needed sense of history and justice—and injustice—that must be included as we struggle for fair and humane immigration policies.” —Catherine Tactaquin, Executive Director, National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
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