The Familiar, Volume 2
By Mark Z. Danielewski
By Mark Z. Danielewski
By Mark Z. Danielewski
By Mark Z. Danielewski
Part of The Familiar
Part of The Familiar
Category: Literary Fiction | Cyber Punk | Gothic & Horror
Category: Literary Fiction | Cyber Punk | Gothic & Horror
Oct 27, 2015 | ISBN 9780375714962
Oct 27, 2015 | ISBN 9780375714979
Five Modern No Plays
The Whalestoe Letters
Sixty Stories
The Sign of Four
The Sound of Waves
Life for Sale
Le Morte d’Arthur
The Temple of Dawn
The Essential Rousseau
“Now we have Volume 2 (Chapter 2, really) and it is somehow, remarkably, amazingly, almost impossibly better. . . . I have never worried so much for a character as I did for [Xanther] in the final pages and, honest to God, I’m not even entirely sure what happened. Or to whom. Or how. But maybe Volume 3 will make it clear. Only six more months to wait. That ought to be just about enough time to recover, I figure, before The Familiar crawls into my lap and blows my mind all over again.” —Jason Sheehan, NPR Books
“The series at times recalls Ulysses, Infinite Jest, and Cloud Atlas in its complexity, structure, and echoing parallel narratives . . . The literary world is stronger for having boundary pushers like Danielewski.” —Ryan Vlastelica, The A.V. Club
“Volume 2 reads like a graphic novel with very few pictures, though the images are critical. The wide array of plotlines create disparate parts that are slowly converging, encoded as a codex, the decoding of which—what we loosely call reading—renders an open-ended experience. Highly recommended for the intrepid reader.” —Library Journal (starred review)
“Readers with an interest in the latest in literary experimentalism will thrill at Danielewski’s approach.” —Kirkus Reviews
“One of the most gifted and versatile writers of our time.” —Steven Moore, The Washington Post
“His use of evocative typography—words that visually reinforce their meaning on the page—leaves readers dazzled.” —Kim O’Connor, Slate
“You hold on for dear life by your fingertips, but the exertion is worth it when you finally get to the top and see the panorama of Danielewski’s literary universe.” —Dylan Foley, Chicago Tribune
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