Jun 10, 2008 | ISBN 9781590305591
Jun 10, 2008 | ISBN 9780834825574
The Stormy Search for the Self
Emotional Bullshit
Living Presence (Revised)
Say What You Mean
Chop Wood, Carry Water
Enneagram Empowerment
The Art of Forgiveness, Lovingkindness, and Peace
Discovering Your Soul’s Purpose
Emotional Chaos to Clarity
"Almaas is a genius at revealing both the core qualities of Essence and the veils that obscure it, always in language that helps peel away those veils, always holding open the door to the unfolding presence and awareness that remains when the veils have dissolved. The Unfolding Now leads the reader through a masterful series of inquiry processes, invitations to sense and know ourselves at increasing levels of subtlety, gently walking us deeper and deeper into Truth."—Sally Kempton (Durgananda), spiritual teacher and author of The Heart of Meditation: Pathways to a Deeper Experience
"I love the unfolding Almaas! His clarity never diminishes, yet each book brings an increasing simplicity and gentleness. As I worked with this latest material, I felt like I was receiving a transmission of pure compassion. His strong, true voice reminds us that beyond the endless self-improvement projects and idealized mystical states with which the spiritual path is strewn lies the simple but exquisite taste of our own being."—Cynthia Bourgeault, author of Mystical Hope, The Wisdom Way of Knowing, and Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening
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