War and Peace and War
By Peter Turchin
By Peter Turchin
By Peter Turchin
By Peter Turchin
Category: Military History | Ancient World History
Category: Military History | Ancient World History
Feb 27, 2007 | ISBN 9780452288195
Feb 27, 2007 | ISBN 9781101126912
Day of Empire
Great American Hypocrites
The Federalist Papers
On Saudi Arabia
The Shawnees and the War for America
Speed & Scale
Preparing for the Twenty-First Century
Time Lord
Turchin’s view of [history] from the perspective of an evolutionary biologist . . . promises a great deal. (The Times Higher Education Supplement)
Table Of Contents
War And Peace And WarList of Maps
“So Peace Brings Warre and Warre Brings Peace”
Part I. ImperiogenesisThe Rise of Empires
1. A Band of Adventurers Defeats a Kingdom
Ermak’s Conquering Cossacks
2. Life on the Edge
The Transformation of Russiaand America
3. Slaughter in the Forest
At the Limites of the Roman Empire
4. Asabiya in the Desert
Ibn Khaldun Discovers the Key to History
5. The Myth of Self-Interest
And the Science of Cooperation
6. Born to Be Wolves
The Origins of Rome
7. A Medieval Black Hole
The Rise of the Great European Powers on Carolingian Marches
Part II. ImperiopathosisThe Fall of Empires
8. The Other Side of the Wheel of Fortune
From the Glorious Thirteenth Century into the Abyss of the Fourteenth
9. A New Idea of Renaissance
Why Human Conflict Is Like a Forest Fire and an Epidemic
10. The Matthew Principle
Why the Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Poorer
11. Wheels Within Wheels
The Many Declines of the Roman Empire
Part III. CliodynamicsA New Kind of History
12. War and Peace and Particles
The Science of History
13. The Bowling Alley in History
Measuring the Decline of Social Capital
14. The End of Empire?
How the Mobile Phone Is Changing Cliodynamics
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