By Daniel J. Siegel, MD
By Daniel J. Siegel, MD
By Daniel J. Siegel, MD
By Daniel J. Siegel, MD
Category: Parenting | Psychology
Category: Parenting | Psychology
Aug 04, 2015 | ISBN 9780399168833
Jan 07, 2014 | ISBN 9781101631522
Secrets of Giants
Unbottled Potential
Literally, the Best Language Book Ever
The Search
Like, Literally, Dude
Optimal Illusions
I Am Here Now
“Brainstorm is a must read book for every parent if they want to avoid emotional turbulence in their own lives as their children go through adolescence. It’s lifesaving for the whole family.”
—Deepak Chopra, MD
“Brainstorm is eye-opening and inspiring, a great gift to us all—teens, parents of teens, and anyone who wants a full and rich life on this planet. Daniel Siegel shows how the supposed downsides of the teen years all have upsides, and that the lessons for living that await teens are ones any of us, at any age, can learn from.”
—Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence
“Siegel emerges as a bighearted writer, fully convinced that we all possess the fundamental virtues to navigate the choppy waters of adolescence, and he is eager for us to set them loose, working with adolescents to cultivate the positive aspects—and he is hugely convincing of the intense engagement and creativity that often accompany this time period in a person’s life. Smart advice…on providing the most supportive and brain-healthy environment during the tumultuous years of adolescence.”
“This book is chock-full of cutting-edge knowledge as well as a deep compassion for teenagers, the adults they will become, and the teenagers in all of us.”
—Alanis Morisette
“Brainstorm is a necessary look at why adolescents do what they do that can put parents in an emotional frenzy. The information that Dr. Dan Siegel shares is not only invaluable for understanding your growing child’s brain, but helps build more compassion and patience. A gift for us all.”
—Goldie Hawn
“By the end of this book, the teenager has been transformed from a monstrous force into a thinking, feeling, and entirely approachable human being.”
“I strongly recommend Brainstorm to teens and those who care for them.”
—Mary Pipher, author of Reviving Ophelia
“‘You just don’t get me’ is a common refrain from teenagers to their parents and teachers. Adolescents who read this book will discover that Daniel Siegel gets them . . . This respectfulness is why the book works so well as a manual for adolescents, as well as for their parents and mentors.”
—Lawrence Cohen, author of The Opposite of Worry
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