Bagombo Snuff Box
By Kurt Vonnegut
By Kurt Vonnegut
Category: Literary Fiction | Short Stories
Aug 01, 2000 | ISBN 9780425174463
Buy the Paperback:
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Praise for Bagombo Snuff Box
“These tales are worth reading; with the other early stories in Welcome to the Monkey House, they provide fans with the complete test-tube Vonnegut.”—Entertainment Weekly
“The stories…are snappy and often humorous, gentle even when sad. Some have trick endings—the early Vonnegut, he tells us, was an admirer of O. Henry. Most have morals. And the characters know what the morals are; the willingness of even the pretentious and deluded among them to learn from their comeuppances reflects a kind of optimism we dont’ expect from the author of Slaughterhouse-Five and Cat’s Cradle.”—Los Angeles Times
“An on-target, satisfying collection of quirky plot lines and rapidly developed characters who usually manage to rise above their ordinary stations and predicaments.”—Chicago Tribune
Table Of Contents
Preface by Peter Reed
Any Reasonable Offer
The Package
The No-Talent Kid
Poor Little Rich Town
The Cruise of the Jolly Roger
Custom-Made Bride
Ambitious Sophomore
Bagombo Snuff Box
The Powder-Blue Dragon
A Present for Big Saint Nick
Unpaid Consultant
Der Arme Dolmetscher
The Boy Who Hated Girls
This Son of Mine
A Night for Love
Find Me a Dream
Lovers Anonymous
Hal Irwin’s Magic Lamp
Coda to My Career as a Writer for Periodicals
21 Books You’ve Been Meaning to Read
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