A Burger to Believe In
By Chris Kronner and Paolo Lucchesi
By Chris Kronner and Paolo Lucchesi
By Chris Kronner and Paolo Lucchesi
By Chris Kronner and Paolo Lucchesi
Category: Cooking Methods | American Regional Cuisine
Category: Cooking Methods | American Regional Cuisine
May 22, 2018 | ISBN 9780399579264
May 22, 2018 | ISBN 9780399579271
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“Backyard grillmasters eager to amp up their burger game will find that Kronner’s debut lives up to its title.”
– Publishers Weekly, Starred Review
“In sum, Kronner not only gives us a perfect burger, but plenty of things to nosh on before, during, and après burger.
– Atlanta Journal-Constitution
“The Burger King, Hamburglar, and Wimpy excepted, few people—real or imagined—have obsessed over burgers like Chris Kronner has. And it shows. One juicy bite of his meticulously constructed signature Kronnerburger (or a flip through the pages of the meaty manifesto you are now holding) proves that burger brilliance is about more than just patty, bun, and toppings. It’s architecture, curiosity, heritage, and old-school passion that elevates the tasty to the transcendent.”
– Andrew Knowlton, Bon Appétit
“Funny how hamburgers and caviar are alike: if you’re going to indulge, indulge in the best. Chris Kronner’s burgers have always been beluga-level. With A Burger to Believe In, Chris brings it all home, from every kind of succulent meatiness to salads that will tempt even the most dedicated carnivore. Whether your party is for two or twenty, a celebration or a simple meal, if crunch, savor, comfort, and flavor stoke your appetite—that is, if you are a living human—then this cookbook is for you.”
– Cal Peternell, author of Twelve Recipes and A Recipe for Cooking
“The first time I ate at Kronnerburger, Chris served me the Platonic ideal of a burger—it was simple and exceptional all at once, without a single unnecessary accoutrement (if you like foie gras on your burger, keep moving). For us salad/burger acolytes, a perfect meal speaks its own name. A perfect burger is a parade of excellent ingredients brought together with a confident hand. It was quite literally, the burger of my dreams.”
– Julia Sherman, author of Salad for President
“Making a really perfect version of a simple food—a burger, a brioche bun, a country loaf—is more complicated than people realize. Chris Kronner has been obsessing with the singular idea of a burger for more than a decade, painstakingly dissecting its components and techniques, and then elevating them. At the end of the day, the burger is an epic sum of its parts, a utilitarian vision. The Kronnerburger is not a super-fancy gilded burger; it is the classic American sandwich—in the best possible version of itself.”
– Chad Robertson, Tartine Bakery
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