Out of the Wreckage
By George Monbiot
By George Monbiot
By George Monbiot
By George Monbiot
By George Monbiot
By George Monbiot
Jun 05, 2018 | ISBN 9781786632890
Sep 26, 2017 | ISBN 9781786632883
Sep 26, 2017 | ISBN 9781786632913
Climate Justice
Yo’ Mama’s Disfunktional!
The Burning of the World
Urban Engineering for Sustainability
Jimmy Carter: The Last Interview
One Nation Under Guns
Making the World Clean
The White Peril
Feeling at Home
“A dazzling command of science and relentless faith in people … I never miss reading him.”
—Naomi Klein, author of No Is Not Enough
“Monbiot, with the clarity and straightforwardness that is his trademark, has managed to lay out our dilemma and our possibilities—this book strikes the necessary balance between visionary and practical, and does it with real grace.”
—Bill McKibben, author of Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet
“This remarkable book sees George Monbiot—long recognised as one of our most acute and perceptive commentators—bringing together the whole breadth of his intelligence and experience to propose a new politics: new goals, new strategies, and, most of all, a new story. If you’re tired of the tiny seesaw that politics seems to have got itself stuck on, you’ll want to read this. There’s so much to think about here, and it’s presented with clarity and coherence. It’s an inspiring and optimistic vision for the future, and—best of all—a wholly practical one. It can happen. Better, it’s starting to happen. This is a future we can all be part of, a future which grows directly out of our participation. Please read this book.”
—Brian Eno
“This is a highly contemporary book, potentially offering the left a set of implements with which to win arguments on terrain often dominated by the populist right … Monbiot’s hopeful, practical energy is precisely what the left needs right now.”
—Will Davies, Guardian
“Monbiot’s proposals are often visionary but never disconnected from pragmatic realities, and are delivered in prose that is always pithy and elegant. This is a book that should be read by everyone who hopes we can find a way out of the wreckage of the present to a better tomorrow.”
—Ashley Dawson, Publishers Weekly
“Inspired and inspirational, George Monbiot’s call to act gives new coherence to a movement that is changing as it learns. So much has to change that the scale of the task can feel overwhelming. But we have changed our lives as fast and fundamentally before.”
—Danny Dorling, author of Inequality and the 1%
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