Not of This Fold
By Mette Ivie Harrison
By Mette Ivie Harrison
By Mette Ivie Harrison
By Mette Ivie Harrison
Part of A Linda Wallheim Mystery
Part of A Linda Wallheim Mystery
Category: Mystery & Thriller | Spiritual Fiction
Category: Mystery & Thriller | Spiritual Fiction
Nov 19, 2019 | ISBN 9781641290937
Dec 04, 2018 | ISBN 9781616959432
Knife River
Midnight Black
Murder Road
The Lantern’s Dance
Beauty in the Blood
A Grave Robbery
A Clue in the Crumbs
The Lace Widow
An ABA IndieNext Pick for December 2018
Praise for Not Of This Fold
“Mormon bishop’s wife Linda Wallheim . . . offers help only someone inside the church can give. I really enjoy her thoughtful, faith-based inner monologue.”
—The News & Observer
“The plight of immigrants comes home to the Mormon community of Draper, Utah, in Harrison’s exceptional fourth Linda Wallheim mystery . . . Readers of all faiths will relate to kindhearted, thoughtful Linda, a devout Mormon who isn’t afraid to question the policies and leadership of the LDS church.”
—Publishers Weekly, Starred Review
“Harrison often scathingly confronts religious doctrine, immigration injustice, racism, homophobia, marriage inequity, and male power abuses, all while deftly choreographing a multi-tentacled criminal cover-up . . . readers will continue to applaud Linda’s (thankfully) defiant tenacity.”
“Not of this Fold is the fourth and best installment in this series.”
—By Common Consent
“Harrison has continued to use her work to tackle a series of issues facing the modern Mormon world . . . another fascinating dive into the internal politics of Mormonism.”
—Crime Reads
“As always, Harrison’s plotting is tight, her pacing compelling . . . As Linda continues to test the resilience of her marriage, her own faith, and her sense of responsibility to women in the area, questions and insights tumble and align. For readers of the Linda Wallheim Mystery Series, this is a must-read book.”
—New York Journal of Books
“Harrison has hit her stride as a front-rank mystery novelist . . . Come for the engaging intellectual puzzle and stay for the nuanced treatment of Mormonism. Or do it the other way around. But definitely come and stay. You won’t be sorry.”
—Association for Mormon Letters
“A spellbinding murder investigation amidst crises of faith . . . Mette Ivie Harrison’s Not of This Fold is in a class by itself: a captivating story in which intelligence reigns supreme, where right and wrong are examined from various points of view.”
—Fresh Fiction
“An engaging murder mystery that should satisfy any fan of the genre . . . Good fiction writers utilize the fantastical, the mysterious, the seemingly incredible to bring awareness to universal issues that just might inspire readers to do something about injustices they see in the day-to-day . . . with Not Of This Fold, Harrison has done exactly that.”
—Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought
“We’re given enough evidence to join the investigation ourselves, and there are enough twists that you’re never too sure who did it until the end. However, the mystery isn’t what makes this novel a compelling read. It’s the protagonist.”
—Reviewing the Evidence
“The mystery in Not of This Fold is first-rate, with plenty of red herrings . . . The added bonus of learning more about another culture makes Harrison’s entire series one you won’t want to miss. I know I don’t.”
—Kittling Books
“Not of This Fold again ventures into the world of Mormon women fighting for power and a voice . . . [Harrison’s] intimate understanding of Mormonism and carefully drawn, complex characters will draw readers into a world and a faith tradition in transition, mirroring the struggles of the larger culture.”
—Kelly Barth, Raven Books (Lawrence, KS)
Praise for the Linda Wallheim Mormon mysteries
“The Bishop’s Wife has good reason to draw a large readership . . . Ms. Harrison’s Linda is such a welcome character: In her role as Sister Wallheim, she encourages women to speak freely.”
—The New York Times
“Critically acclaimed author Mette Ivie Harrison’s mystery debut is an insider’s nuanced look at the workings of the Mormon church. Beautifully written, and spellbinding in its unflinching examination of marriage, family and faith, The Bishop’s Wife is an absolute must-read!”
—Julia Spencer-Fleming, New York Times bestselling author of the Clare Fergusson and Russ Van Alstyne Mysteries
“Sane, wise, likable . . . Linda has an engrossing voice, at once modest and assured.”
—USA Today
“Excellent . . . Watching Linda Wallheim take on the church and its entitled male members as she unravels the mystery of Carrie’s and Helena’s disappearances is one of the chief pleasures of this richly detailed debut.”
—Los Angeles Times
“A provocative piece of work.”
—Salt Lake City Tribune
“Eye-opening . . . A novel so far from my reality I needed a telescope, but I think that’s why I enjoyed this debut so much.”
—Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel
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