Lord of the Flies: Casebook Edition
By William Golding
Edited by James Robert Baker and Arthur P. Ziegler
By William Golding
Edited by James Robert Baker and Arthur P. Ziegler
Category: Literary Fiction
Sep 01, 1987 | ISBN 9780399506437
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Winesburg, Ohio
“Lord of the Flies is one of my favorite books. That was a big influence on me as a teenager, I still read it every couple of years.”
—Suzanne Collins, author of The Hunger Games
“As exciting, relevant, and thought-provoking now as it was when Golding published it in 1954.”
—Stephen King
“The most influential novel…since Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye.”
“This brilliant work is a frightening parody on man’s return (in a few weeks) to that state of darkness from which it took him thousands of years to emerge. Fully to succeed, a fantasy must approach very close to reality. Lord of the Flies does. It must also be superbly written. It is.”
—The New York Times Book Review
“Sparely and elegantly written…Lord of the Flies is a grim anti-pastoral in which adults are disguised as children who replicate the worst of their elders’ heritage of ignorance, violence, and warfare.”
—Joyce Carol Oates, New York Review of Books
Table Of Contents
Lord of the FliesArthur P. Ziegler, Jr.
James R. Baker
William Golding
Lord of the Flies
James Keating-William Golding
Purdue Interview
Frank Kermode-William Golding
The Meaning of It All
Frank Kermode
The Novels of William Golding
E. M. Forster
An Introduction to “Lord of the Flies”
Donald R. Spangler
Carl Niemeyer
The Coral Island Revisited
J. T. C. Golding
A World of Violence and Small Boys
John Peter
The Fables of William Golding
Ian Gregor & Mark Kinkead-Weekes
An Introduction to “Lord of the Flies”
William R. Mueller
An Old Story Well Told
Thomas M. Coskren
Is Golding Calvinistic?
Claire Rosenfield
Men of a Smaller Growth
E. L. Epstein
Notes on “Lord of the Flies”
Lord of the Campus
A Checklist of Publications Relevant to “Lord of the Flies”
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