Rejuvenece en la cocina: Recetas para ganar salud, alegria y vitalidad / Rejuvenate Yourself in the Kitchen: Recipes for Generating Health, Joy, and Vita
By Samar Yorde
By Samar Yorde
Category: Spanish Language Nonfiction
Oct 31, 2017 | ISBN 9781945540400
Buy the Paperback:
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Dormirás mejor
• Perderás peso
• Lucirás más joven
• Ganarás energía y vitalidad
• Sentirás alegría
• Aumentará tu autoestima
• Alargarás tu vida
Samar Yorde, autora de Soy saludable(Aguilar), es médico especialista en salud pública, certificada en medicina de obesidad, escritora, conferencista y motivadora. Creadora del movimiento Soy saludable, con más de 1.6 millones de seguidores en redes sociales.ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONSamar Yorde, creator of the platform @soysaludable and author of I Am Healthy: Transform Your Body Without Anxiety or Obsessions (Aguilar, 2016) now presents us with a complete dietary plan to improve our health and gain more energy and vitality. In other words: a plan to rejuvenate ourselves thanks to the foods we consume.
With natural cooking as a philosophy, Samar invites us to celebrate life and in Rejuvenate Yourself in the Kitchen, she discusses topics like: Food: your best medicine or your worst poison. Everything you need to know to eat healthfully, with a simple explanation about what happens to foods when they enter the body and how it gets rid of toxins.
The secret formula to live longer and better. Get to know antioxidants, your allies for gaining energy, health, and life. Also, discover why fruits and vegetables are the fountain of youth.
Lose weight, not joy. Samar proposes a dietary model that is balanced and healthy, with suggested portions for the most common foods.
The supermarket … the healthy pharmacy! Excellent advice to keep in mind when going to the supermarket.
And more than 100 healthy recipes, from basic preparations, smoothies, vegetables and healthy sauces, to energy-packed breakfasts, balanced lunches, snacks for keeping up your energy, light dinners, and guilt-free desserts!
“You are what you eat. Live your life with energy, youth, health, and joy, because it is true: fish do die by the mouth. You decide.” –Samar Yorde”
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