Sep 07, 2009 | ISBN 9781844673971
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Smithsonian Asian Pacific American History, Art, and Culture in 101 Objects
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“Berman’s latest—and perhaps best—book chronicles the storied incandescence of Times Square … Brilliant indeed.”—Booklist, Starred Review
“Like the square itself, the choreographer of this neon Leaves of Grass is a hybrid of styles and genres, of page, stage, screen, and jazz. He is up in the air, like Ruby Keeler on top of a taxi. He is dancing in the street, with Martha and the Vandellas. A Pied Piper, Johnny Appleseed, and Sergeant Pepper, he leads us into movie houses, libraries, juke joints, temptation, and transcendence … the fact is, I can no longer see Times Square on my own. I am looking at some splendid magical-realist Macondo from inside the head of a man with kaleidoscope eyes.”—John Leonard, New York Magazine
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