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Reality Transformed by Irving Singer
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Reality Transformed

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Reality Transformed by Irving Singer
Paperback $45.00
Aug 25, 2000 | ISBN 9780262692489

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  • $45.00

    Aug 25, 2000 | ISBN 9780262692489

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There has been a traditional split in film studiesbetween the Bazinians and the Eisensteinians—those who believe themedium has a special aptitude for reality and those who would stress itspurely formal and autonomous characteristics. This soberly argued bookattempts to make peace using philosophical humanism. Taking as hispremise the currently unfashionable idea that narrative cinema hassomething to do with life, Singer demonstrates how it transforms ourcommon experience into art.—Sight & Sound

There has been a traditional split in film studies between the Bazinians and the Eisensteinians–those who believe the medium has a special aptitude for reality and those who would stress its purely formal and autonomous characteristics. This soberly argued book attempts to make peace using philosophical humanism. Taking as his premise the currently unfashionable idea that narrative cinema has something to do with life Singer demonstrates how it transforms our common experience into art.

Sight & Sound

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