Jun 22, 2021 | ISBN 9780807002902
Buy the Paperback:
My Country, Africa
I Will Scream to the World
Street Fighting Years
I, Rigoberta Menchú
Founding Partisans
Queen Victoria and Her Prime Ministers
Guerrilla Warfare
You Can’t Please All
“Trained as both a lawyer and historian, Lucks steadily builds his case with both a prosecutor’s zeal and a scholar’s fine eye for evidence, causation, and context.”
—Religion Dispatches
“Reconsidering Reagan fills a gap in our national understanding of how white supremacy remains embedded in our laws and policies and how Reagan’s racism left a powerful legacy for Donald Trump.”
—Mary Frances Berry, member and chair, US Commission on Civil Rights, 1980–2004, and author of History Teaches Us to Resist
“Daniel Lucks has written the first sustained and comprehensive treatment of Ronald Reagan’s racial politics. . . . This exploration truly helps us grasp the character and impact of Reagan’s leadership. Those who want to understand how the GOP became the party of Trump should read Reconsidering Reagan.”
—Doug Rossinow, author of The Reagan Era: A History of the 1980s
“Throughout his political career, Ronald Reagan was on the wrong side of almost every civil rights question. Too many accounts of his life have downplayed or ignored his shameful record on civil and human rights. In this powerful and persuasive book, Daniel Lucks shines an honest, uncompromising light on Reagan’s disgraceful legacy and draws a straight line from Reagan to Donald Trump.”
—Robert Mann, author of Becoming Ronald Reagan: The Rise of a Conservative Icon
“Deeply researched and forcefully written, Reconsidering Reagan provides a bracing reexamination of Reagan’s attitudes, rhetoric, and policies toward the question of civil rights and racial injustice. Lucks gives a searing indictment of Reagan’s leadership of the conservative movement that’s sure to revise our understanding of who Reagan was and what he stood for.”
—Matthew Dallek, author of The Right Moment: Ronald Reagan’s First Victory and the Decisive Turning Point in American Politics
“An elegantly written, powerfully argued, and unsparing indictment of Reagan’s racial record across his entire political career. . . . This history ought to trouble the consciences of principled conservatives and should be required reading for all Americans who seek to understand the trajectory of the Republican Party since Reagan.”
—Geoffrey Kabaservice, director of political studies at the Niskanen Center and author of Rule and Ruin: The Downfall of Moderation and the Destruction of the Republican Party, from Eisenhower to the Tea Party
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