Aug 27, 2024 | ISBN 9781645471035
Aug 27, 2024 | ISBN 9780834845381
Accessible Ashtanga
Yoga for Pelvic Floor and Postpartum Health
Movement for Every Body
How to Fall in Love with Yoga
Surviving Modern Yoga
Teaching Yoga, Second Edition
Breathwork for Pregnancy
“The TMJ Handbook is an exceptional contribution to the field of health and essential reading for all concerned with reducing stress and increasing wellbeing.”
—Thanissara, author of Time to Stand Up
“If you, a loved one, or a patient/client is looking for relief from jaw tension and its associated ailments, you have come to the right place. This is an absolutely essential addition to your healing library.”
—Yael Shy, author of What Now?
“This book will be enlightening for anyone who suffers from jaw tension as well as bodyworkers and therapists who want to learn more. I highly recommend The TMJ Handbook—it will help so many people!”
—Deborah Wolk, founder of Samamkaya Yoga Back Care & Scoliosis Collective
“Eating, talking, smiling, kissing—life’s greatest pleasures are connected to our mouth and jaw, so it is especially ironic that this is the part of the body that causes us so much pain and suffering. Jaw tension seems to be a universal experience that receives too little attention—until now. Cator Shachoy gives us the answers we’re seeking in a manner that is both detail-oriented and accessible, with clear guidance, inspiration, and practices to offer us relief.”
—Jivana Heyman, author of Yoga Revolution
“Cator Shachoy offers three beautifully aligned, complimentary entry points to healing from TMD—bodywork, yoga, and mindfulness meditation. And she gently and confidently supports her healing program on the two palms of compassion and kindness.”
—Allison Post, coauthor of Unwinding the Belly
“Cator Shachoy’s contribution to the treatment of TMD is easy to follow, even for those without a background in anatomy and yoga. I know that the exercises and meditations will bring positive results for TMD—and for the body and mind.”
—Benjamin Shield, PhD, author of Handbook for the Soul
“A thoroughly empowering guide to bring a new holistic perspective and treatment to a challenging, often overlooked issue”
—Christopher Willard, PsyD, author of Growing Up Mindful
“To my knowledge, this is the first book that deals exclusively and at length with TMJ disorders and their relief. Cator first lays the groundwork by looking at the many causes of the condition, then goes on to suggest a variety of treatments including breath work, self-massage, mindfulness, and yoga-based exercises. This is a well-rounded, fully accessible, intelligently organized program that should prove highly effective in the self-treatment of TMD.”
—Richard Rosen, author of Yoga by the Numbers
“TMJ pain and discomfort are surprisingly common health issues affecting the wellbeing of many people in the modern world. What is not widely known is that there are simple and effective practices that individuals with these issues can do to greatly help themselves. As one of the foremost educators in the field of TMJ self-care, Cator has brought many of these practices together in this concise and helpful guide. She skillfully helps the reader better understand the nature of jaw tension, and to implement proven remedies from the traditions of yoga and mindfulness. This is a valuable book for those who are ready to help themselves.”
—Ryan Halford, RCST, BCST, host of The Craniosacral Podcast
“I highly recommend Cator’s book for anyone interested in working with their jaw/TMJ tension and body tension in general.”
—Franklyn Sills, BCST, author of Foundations in Craniosacral Biodynamics vols. 1 and 2
“The TMJ handbook provides deep and tangible jewels of insight to both patients and experts. A must-have for longtime jaw tension sufferers.”
—Holly Edson, NP, craniosacral therapist
“Drawing on decades of practice in mindfulness and yoga, Cator guides us with clarity, simple exercises, and a friendly approach to let go of the unconscious causes of jaw tension (TMD). Of course, jaw tension isn’t just about the jaw—this is a manual for body and mind.”
—Anandabodhi Bhikkuni, abbess, Aloka Vihara
“Cator takes relieving jaw tension as a starting point but then expands to include our human experience. There is a broad approach to cultivating mindfulness, body awareness, along with tips on how to include all this in daily life. This book is immensely practical, as well as clear, coherent, and down to earth.”
—Pasanno Bhikkhu, former abbot, Abhyagiri Buddhist Monastery
“A solid how-to guide for readers interested in alleviating physical or mental stress via a yoga or mindfulness practice. This book is also a thought-provoking reminder of how interconnected the parts of the body are.”
—Library Journal
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