Tag Archives: literature

Golden Globes 2016: A Look at the Books Adapted to Television and Film

With the Golden Globes coming up, it’s time to check out all the books that have been adapted to nominated television shows and films. Keith Rice for Word and Film, dives in: The best drama category highlights a wide swath of films covering a wider array of topics. “Spotlight,” which is based on a series of Pulitzer Prize-winning articles from the Boston Globe that uncovered a pattern of sexual abuse and cover-ups by the Boston Archdioceses, is possibly the early favorite. However, there is strong competition on the adaptation front with “Carol,” “The Revenant,” and “Room” as contenders for the prize. “Carol” is based on the novelThe Price of Salt by Patricia Highsmith. “The Revenant” is inspired by true events and adapted from the novel of the same name by Michael Punke – although despite its quality, the film may prove too brutal for anything other than a nod. “Room” is based on the novel of the same name by Emma Donoghue. The nominees this year have really upped the game – and it could be anyone’s win at this point. Read the rest of the article on Word and Film here.

Bookspotting: Amy is reading My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante

Ever wonder what Penguin Random House employees are reading? We’re a bunch of professionally bookish people, so you can always count on us to have a book on hand… or thirty piled on our desks. Our Bookspotting feature shows off the range of readers behind the scenes at Penguin Random House.   Amy Amy in online consumer marketing is reading My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante. Show us what you’re reading by using the #bookspotting hashtag!  

Bookspotting: Emily is reading The Secret History by Donna Tartt

Ever wonder what Penguin Random House employees are reading? We’re a bunch of professionally bookish people, so you can always count on us to have a book on hand… or thirty piled on our desks. Our Bookspotting feature shows off the range of readers behind the scenes at Penguin Random House.   emily Emily in Digital Marketing is reading The Secret History by Donna Tartt. Show us what you’re reading by using the #bookspotting hashtag!  

Banned Books Week: Crossword Puzzle

Banned Books Week is here! Wonderful classic and contemporary books have been banned and challenged over the years, so this week, we are celebrating our right to read. Take a stab at our Banned Books Week Crossword and see how well you know about incendiary literature! Check back at the end of the week for the answer key. In the meantime share your thoughts on social media using #booknerdcrossword. Click for full-size image and to print out.  crossword Learn more about Banned Books Week here.

Writing Tips from Anna North, author of The Life and Death of Sophie Stark

We know readers tend to be writers too, so twice a month, we’ll feature writing tips from our authors. Who better to offer advice, insight, and inspiration than the authors you admire? They’ll answer several questions about their work, share their go-to techniques and more. Now, get writing!  After developing an idea, what is the first action you take when beginning to write? I try to get started pretty much right away — for some reason I can never make myself outline anything, or even do all that much thinking or research before I start writing. I think I just need to see the story on the page before I know what to do with it or whether it’s working. So as soon as I have the very beginning of an idea, I usually try to start writing the story or novel as I think it might go, starting from the beginning. I don’t know if this is actually a good system — I almost always end up rewriting much of the beginning, and for a novel I typically spend about a year writing and rewriting before I get to a story that actually works. But so far it’s the only system I’ve been able to follow.  Is there something you do to get into a writing mood? Somewhere you go or something you do to get thinking? These are pretty clichĂ©d, but I like to make tea and sit in a chair by the window. Sometimes I even light a scented candle. If it’s a first draft, I usually write long-hand in a journal. I find the computer pretty distracting, and I can’t seem to get in a groove if I’m looking at the screen. The journal allows me to sort of slip into an alternate mental space where I can think about the story I’m trying to tell. Did you always want to write? How did you start your career as an author? I always wanted to write. Before I actually knew how to write I’d make my mom or my aunt take dictation. I produced several “books” this way. You could say I started my career as an author when I published my first short story in The Atlantic in 2005. But I didn’t necessarily feel like I’d started a career then. I wasn’t sure I could ever publish anything else, and for a long time I didn’t. When my first novel came out in 2011 I felt a little more like I had a career, but I still wasn’t sure if I’d ever be able to publish anything again. I guess I’m not sure I’ll ever fully feel like I have a career as an author — I might always feel uncertain about the next step, the next thing. I do feel like a writer most of the time now, which is different from having a career, but which still feels good. Do you ever base characters off people you know? Why or why not? Sometimes when I’m thinking about what a character looks like, I’ll imagine people I know, but usually not people I know well. I don’t usually base characters’ personalities on people I know — my writing isn’t usually very autobiographical, so the stories I’m writing often call for people with particular characteristics that wouldn’t necessarily match those of people I know. If anything I tend to base characters on aspects of myself. If I’m trying to think about how someone might behave in a situation, I might think about how I might act if I were a little stronger, or weaker, or meaner. And so sometimes my characters end up being an expression of a particular side of me, sometimes intentionally and sometimes not. How is writing a novel different from the kind of writing you normally do? I’m also a journalist, and writing a novel feels very different from that kind of writing in that it’s more inward. When I write a news story I’m talking to people and reading things and stitching it all together into a piece that says something about the outside world. When I write a novel I’m sort of going deep inside my own brain and building a new world in there, and then trying to communicate some of it on the page. Someday I’d love to have my brain scanned while I’m writing fiction and then while I’m writing non-fiction — I wonder if the activity would look really different. Read more about Anna North’s book, The Life and Death of Sophie Stark here.